Tiago Adónis's repositories
Coursework developed to the lab component of Embedded Systems Architectures subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
Creation of an database and implementation of the respective graphic interface for databases subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
A supermarket java application for probabilistic methods for informatic engineering subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
A real time change detector in OpenCV for visual computing subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
An online secure domino game for security subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
A draughts game in WebGl for visual computing subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
FPGA timer in VHDL for digital systems laboratories subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
An autonomous system on a VANET network for Networks and Autonomous Systems subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
A 4 000+ word report on LaTeX and a website based on the report done for informatics laboratories subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
Some coursework developed for Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
Development of the projects for Modeling and Performance of Networks and Services subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
A compiler for QuizGenerator, a new programming language dedicated to the creation of quizzes. The project was proposed to the formal languages and automata theory subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
Medium/large business network implementation in GNS3 for networks architecture subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
C++ functions to implement critical components of Sofs20, an ext2-based filesystem, for operating systems subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
A sokoban AI agent for introduction to artificial inteligence subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro
My profile overview page
The website of the WiFi Monitor organization developed for project in computer engineering subject from Computers and Telematics Engineering course at the University of Aveiro