ti-a-go / wikipedia

Wikipedia data for NLP tasks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project uses Wikipedia data for NLP tasks.

How to access the data

Use Jupyter Notebooks to access the data. (how to run Jupyter Lab)

After opening Jupyter Lab on the browser you can create a new notebook and use the objects from the main module .

from main import wiki, data, spc

page_titles = wiki.search("Luís Gama")

page = wiki.page(page_titles[0])


doc = spc.doc(page.content)


Use to search on the Wikipedia and get the pages.


Use to save/load data locally


Use to process the text data using Spacy.



Pypi Registry

Library API Reference


Official Website

OBS: In the future we plan to use other libraries as Gensim, Stanza and NLTK to mention a few.

Data Storage

The current solution stores the data into flat files on OS file system.

An alternative solution is to use a noSQL DB. It needs to be implemented though.

Running the project

Create a virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment

source venv/bin/activate

Install the dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

start Jupyter Lab

jupyter lab

Wikipedia Dumps

Wikipedia allow us to download all articles data, but it's in XML format.

The latest dump can be found in the file ptwiki-20231020-pages-articles-multistream.xml

The articles index can be found in the index file: ptwiki-20231020-pages-articles-multistream-index.txt

It's necessary a solution to extract the text data from this dump XML file.

Here's a github repo that presents a solution that maybe is a good one.

Web Interface (to be developed)

A web interface to view the Wikipedia data and metadata. More over, this interface will show linguistic features annotated by the Spacy library.


Wikipedia data for NLP tasks

License:Apache License 2.0