thufv / automerge

Resolve conflicts via version space algebra in structured merge.

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AutoMerge - Resolving Conflicts via Version Space Algebra

This project is built on the top of JDime.

For technical details of our approach, please read our paper:

Fengmin Zhu and Fei He. 2018. Conflict Resolution for Structured Merge via Version Space Algebra. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 2, OOPSLA, Article 166 (November 2018), 25 pages. Download via DOI


Software merge is a central task of version control system-guided development: two developers create their own versions by deriving it from a common ancestor version; then these two versions evolve independently by either adding new functionalities or fixing previous issues; finally these two versions are merged again. In a three-way merge scenario, the two versions to be merged are called the left version and the right version, and their common ancestor is called the base version. The base, left and right versions form a three-way merge scenario. If the base version is unavailable, then it is called a two-way merge scenario. AutoMerge is mainly focus on three-way merge, but it also supports two-way merge.

When concurrent changes contradict each other in the left and right versions, conflicts are reported according to the basic rules of three-way merge. Existing merge tools do not attempt to resolve conflicts and leave the problems for developers to manually handle them. AutoMerge is designed to provide the developer with a variety of useful candidate resolutions, which we believe is valuable and practical in real-world software development.

System Requirements

Installing libgit2 on Linux:

  • Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install git libgit2-dev
  • Redhat/Fedora: dnf install git libgit2
  • Suse/OpenSuse: zypper install git libgit2
  • FreeBSD: pkg install git openjfx8-devel libgit2

Build & Test

You may find pre-built versions in releases.

The simplest way to build and run AutoMerge is

gradle run --args='<options>'

Without any options, say gradle run, AutoMerge prints the usage. To normally launch AutoMerge, you need to combine the CLI options and arguments as a string '<options>' and pass it as the argument for the gradle option --args, i.e. --args='<options>'.

To launch a demo, simply type gradle demo and have a look at the output logs. Alternatively, you may first build by gradle installDist and then execute the helper script to perform a merge by providing the three-way merge scenario (base, left, right) and the output path. The expected result is optional:

./ <left> <base> <right> <output> [<expected>]


For further usage of AutoMerge, we recommend you to generate a standalone jar by typing gradle pack. You will find the standalone jar in build/pack/AutoMerge.jar. Change directory to build/pack and execute the jar with java -jar AutoMerge.jar ....

Basic Usage

java -jar AutoMerge.jar [options...] <left> [<base>] <right>

Users must provide <left>, <base>, and <right> as the input, i.e. a three-way merge scenario. It is also possible to neglect the 2nd argument <base>, which means a two-way merge scenario. The three arguments should be either three files or three folders.

Synthesis Options

To benefit from our VSA-based technique, always choose the structured merge mode -m structured and enable the synthesis option -S.

In the experiment, we need to check if our resolution is expected. For this purpose, specify option -e <expected> with the path of the expected version. Note that if the arguments are files/folders, then the expected version must also be a file/folder.

The log Synthesis: Searched total steps: ... shows the number of search steps we need. A typical usage is like:

java -jar AutoMerge.jar -e expected/ -o output/ -m structured -log info -f -S left/ base/ right/

If -e <expected> is not specified, then our tool prints the recommended resolutions. Use -K <num> to restrict the number of resolutions presented, default 32. A typical usage is like:

java -jar AutoMerge.jar -o output/ -m structured -log info -f -S left/ base/ right/

Mapper & Ranking Options

When constructing the VSA for candidate resolutions, we are concern about which arguments nodes are distinguishable and which are indistinguishable. We introduce mappers to capture it and we have three pre-defined mappers:

  • direct mapper,
  • block mapper, and
  • expression mapper.

The direct mapper is the origin of other mappers and is thus always enabled. The other two mappers can be enabled/disabled with options.

The generated VSA contains a possibly very large set of programs and enumerating them is apparently impractical. Developers expect the target result to be figured out as early as possible. Thus, we define a ranking function which assigns a priority for every candidate resolution and the resolutions are enumerated from the top-ranked to the bottom-ranked. Ranking is enabled by default and can be disabled with options.

Options for mappers and ranking:

  • -M1,--mapper-1 <on|off>: Enable/disable mapper 1 (block mapper), default on.
  • -M2,--mapper-2 <on|off>: Enable/disable mapper 2 (expression mapper), default off.
  • -noR,--no-ranking: Disable ranking, default enabled.

These options are set for the experiment shown in Section 6.3 of our paper.

Log Levels

The recommended log level is INFO, which shows useful information on synthesis results. Set log level with option -log <level>, possible levels are (from the least output to the most output):

  • OFF: No logs.
  • SEVERE: Error messages only.
  • WARNING: Warning messages.
  • INFO: Useful execution results.
  • CONFIG: Command line configuration information.
  • FINE, FINER, FINEST: Debug information in different levels.

A colorful logger is enabled by specifying de.fosd.jdime.handlers=de.fosd.jdime.util.ColorConsoleHandler in (and make sure this file is in the same directory of the jar file). However, to reproduce our experiments, please use the plain logger: de.fosd.jdime.handlers=java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.

Unmentioned options are inherited from JDime, type java -jar AutoMerge.jar for more information.

Further Information

For further information, please visit our webpage. We also provide an artifact that reproduces the experiment mentioned in our paper.


Resolve conflicts via version space algebra in structured merge.

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 97.4%Language:Scala 2.3%Language:Python 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%