thsteinmetz / vault

Roles & Permissions for the Laravel 5 Framework

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Vault (Laravel 5 Package)

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Vault is a simple yet powerful access control system for the new Laravel 5 Framework. It comes with a backend user interface to manage users, roles, and permissions as well as the relationships between them.

Examples: Vault User Index Vault Create Role Vault Edit User Vault Role Index


  • This package assumes you have an installation of Laravel 5 using the pre-packaged authentication library and functionality. For a brand new project, I recommend using my Laravel 5 Boilerplate Package and requiring this library.
  • User model must have soft deletes enabled.


In the require key of composer.json file add the following

"rappasoft/vault": "dev-master"

Run the Composer update command

$ composer update

In your config/app.php add the following to your $providers and $aliases array

'providers' => [


'aliases' => [

    'App'       => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\App',
    'Form'		=> 'Illuminate\Html\FormFacade', 
    'HTML'		=> 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlFacade'

The Vault Facade is loaded by the service provider by default.

Run the vendor:publish command

$ php artisan vendor:publish

This will publish the following files to your application:

  • app/config/vault.php config file
  • Vault Migration File
  • Vault Seed File (Will add the seed call to the end of your DatabaseSeeder.php class)
  • public/js/vault/*
  • public/css/vault/*

You can also publish individual assets by tag if need be:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rappasoft\Vault\VaultServiceProvider" --tag="config"
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rappasoft\Vault\VaultServiceProvider" --tag="migration"
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rappasoft\Vault\VaultServiceProvider" --tag="seeder"
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rappasoft\Vault\VaultServiceProvider" --tag="assets"

You can also publish views, see configuration below.

Run the dumpautoload command

$ composer dumpautoload -o

Run the migration command

$ php artisan migrate

Add the UserHasRole trait to your User model:

<?php namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
use Rappasoft\Vault\Traits\UserHasRole;

class User extends Model implements AuthenticatableContract, CanResetPasswordContract {

	use Authenticatable, CanResetPassword, SoftDeletes, UserHasRole;

Run the seed command

$ php artisan db:seed --class="VaultTableSeeder"

Add the route middleware to your app/Http/Kernel.php file:

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'auth' => 'App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate',
    'auth.basic' => 'Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\AuthenticateWithBasicAuth',
    'guest' => 'App\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated',
    'vault.routeNeedsRole' => 'Rappasoft\Vault\Http\Middleware\RouteNeedsRole',
    'vault.routeNeedsPermission' => 'Rappasoft\Vault\Http\Middleware\RouteNeedsPermission',
    'vault.routeNeedsRoleOrPermission' => 'Rappasoft\Vault\Http\Middleware\RouteNeedsRoleOrPermission',

###That's it! You should now be able to navigate to http://localhost/access/users to see the users index.


Look through app/config/vault.php for all package options.

By default the package works without publishing its views. But if you wanted to publish the vault views to your application to take full control, run the vault:views command:

$ php artisan vault:views

If you do not want vault to use its default routes file you can duplicate it and set the vault.general.use_vault_routes configuration to false and it will not load by default.

Utilizing the status property

If would would like to enable enabled/disabled users you can simply do a check wherever you are logging in your user:

if ($user->status == 0)
    return Redirect::back()->withMessage("Your account is currently disabled");

Applying the Route Middleware

Laravel 5 is trying to steer away from the filters.php file and more towards using middleware. Here is an example right from the vault routes file of a group of routes that requires the Administrator role:

	'middleware' => 'vault.routeNeedsRole',
	'role' => ['Administrator'],
	'redirect' => '/',
	'with' => ['error', 'You do not have access to do that.']
], function()
    Route::group(['prefix' => 'access'], function ()
    		/*User Management*/
    		Route::resource('users', '\Rappasoft\Vault\Http\Controllers\UserController', ['except' => ['show']]);

The above code checks to see if the currently authenticated user has the role Administrator, if not redirects to / with a session variable that has a key of message and value of You do not have access to do that.

The following middleware ships with the vault package:

  • vault.routeNeedsRole
  • vault.routeNeedsPermission
  • vault.routeNeedsRoleOrPermission

Route Parameters

  • middleware => The middleware name, you can change them in your app/Http/Kernel.php file.
  • role => A string of one role or an array of roles by name.
  • permission => A string of one permission or an array of permissions by name.
  • needsAll => A boolean, false by default, that states whether or not all of the specified roles/permissions are required to authenticate.
  • with => Sends a session flash on failure. Array with 2 items, first is session key, second is value.
  • redirect => Redirect to a url if authentication fails.
  • redirectRoute => Redirect to a route if authentication fails.
  • redirectAction => Redirect to an action if authentication fails.

If no redirect is specified a response('Unauthorized', 401); will be thrown.

Create Your Own Middleware

If you would like to create your own middleware, the following methods are available.

	 * Checks if the user has a Role by its name.
	 * @param string $name
	 * @return bool

	 * Checks to see if the user has an array of roles, and whether or not all must return true to authenticate
	 * @param array $roles
	 * @param boolean $needsAll
	 * @return bool
Vault::hasRoles($roles, $needsAll);

	 * Check if user has a permission by its name.
	 * @param string $permission.
	 * @return bool

	 * Check an array of permissions and whether or not all are required to continue
	 * @param array $permissions
	 * @param boolean $needsAll
	 * @return bool
Vault::canMultiple($permissions, $needsAll);

Vault:: by default uses the currently authenticated user. You can also do:

$user->hasRoles($roles, $needsAll);
$user->canMultiple($permissions, $needsAll);

VaultRoute trait

If you would like to take advantage of the methods used by Vault's route handler, you can use it:

`use Rappasoft\Vault\Traits\VaultRoute`

Which will give you methods in your middleware to grab route assets. You can then add methods to your middleware to grab assets that vault doesn't grab by default and take advantage of them.


Vault is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

Additional information

Any issues, please report here.


Roles & Permissions for the Laravel 5 Framework

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 97.9%Language:CSS 1.5%Language:JavaScript 0.6%