thruthesky / svelte-firebase-cms

Svelte library for FireFlutter

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Svelte library for FireFlutter


  • To run with, run npm run dev -- --open --mode dev.


The recommended way of intialization is that put the code SvelteFire.init() inside src/routes/+layout.svelte.

import { app } from '$lib/client/init.firebase.client';
import { SvelteFire } from '$lib/sveltefire/svelte-fire';
SvelteFire.init({ app });

Below is the src/lib/client/init.firebase.client.

import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";
const firebaseConfig: { [key: string]: string; } = {
    apiKey: "AI....fU",
    authDomain: "",
    databaseURL: "",
    projectId: "silbus",
    storageBucket: "",
    messagingSenderId: "575893880018",
    appId: "1:575.....fc10b",
    measurementId: "G-3KQTNK89WP"
export const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);


To use sveltefire, the user must login. SvelteFire does not provide any login mechanism. It's up to you how you desgin your app. You may use email/password login or Phone sign-in, Google sign-in, etc.

Common Patterns

Fetch Data from Firestore for Authenticated Users

First, Use the SignedIn component to access the UID of the current user. Second, pass that UID to the Doc or Collection component to fetch a Firestore document owned by that user.

  <SignedIn let:user>
    <Doc ref={`users/${user.uid}`} let:data={user}>

Hydrate data from server side

The component Doc, Collection, Value, ValueList hydrates the SSR data.

Use the hydration data from svelte kit into the components of Value, ValueList, Doc, Collection. The HTML source code will have the data of the hydration.


	<a href="/user/sign-in">SignIn</a>


The SignedIn component renders content for the current user. It is a wrapper around the userStore. If the user is not signed in, the children will not be rendered.

Slot Props

  • user - The current Firebase user
  • auth - The current Firebase auth instance
  • signOut - A function to sign out the current user
<SignedIn let:user let:signOut let:auth>
	You are signed in with {user.uid}
	<button on:click={signOut}>Sign Out</button>


Get a value of node and display

<Value path="post-all-summaries/-NvgtY78Qcowz-zwjRnN" hydrate={{ title: 'THIS IS TITLE' }} let:data>
	{#each Object.keys(data) as key}
		{key}: {data[key]}


Display a list of value node

<ValueList path="post-all-summaries" let:data>
	{#each data as item}
			{#each Object.keys(item) as key}
				{key}: {item[key]}


Display a document.


Display lists of documents in that collection

  • infiniteScroll is an option to scroll infinitely.


display a UI for file upload into storage




Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open

Everything inside src/lib is part of your library, everything inside src/routes can be used as a showcase or preview app.


To build your library:

npm run package

To create a production version of your showcase app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.


Go into the package.json and give your package the desired name through the "name" option. Also consider adding a "license" field and point it to a LICENSE file which you can create from a template (one popular option is the MIT license).

To publish your library to npm:

npm publish

Forum List

  • The InfiniteValueList component will not be destroyed and mounted if it is used in same page with different path. So, observe the chagnes of path and reset it.
<script lang="ts">
	import { page } from '$app/stores';
	import InfiniteValueList from '$lib/components/InfiniteValueList.svelte';
	import { onMount } from 'svelte';

	export let data;

	let controller: InfiniteValueList;
	let unsubscribe: () => void;

	onMount(() => {
		/// When categry changes, reset the store and fetch new data
		unsubscribe = page.subscribe(() => {

	onDestroy(() => {

	path={'posts-summary/' + data.category}
	<p style="padding: 2em;">
		<a href="/forum/{data.category}/{value.key}">{value.title}</a>
		<span style="display: block;"></span>{value.key}
		<span style="display: block; margin-top:1em"
			>{new Date(value['createdAt']).toLocaleString()}</span

	<p slot="noMoreData" let:length>
		# No of post loaded: #{length}
		<br />
		No more posts
	<p slot="loading">Loading data...</p>


Svelte library for FireFlutter


Language:Svelte 57.5%Language:TypeScript 41.5%Language:HTML 1.1%