thriveth / CubeFitter.jl

Julia package for fitting emission lines in astronomical spectral cubes.

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A package for automatically fitting emission lines in astronomical spectral cubes. Hopefully, this could develop into a more general package for handling spectral cubes in Julia.

Development is still in early days, so everything may break - but currently, the NIRSpec related code Works For Me™. I am in the process of testing it for MIRI and MUSE, and most other instruments should be quite easy to add as well.

What does it do (and how)?

This code contains three main components (which may get separated into their own packages later):

  • A family of SpectralCube types which handle the data and metadata.
  • A continuum subtraction function (see description below)
  • The functionality for fitting emission lines.

The workhorses of this package are the various types NIRSpecCube, MUSECube, etc.; as well as the functions cont_subt(), fit_cube(), and fit_spectrum_from_subcube().


Enabling the package

This package is not yet registered to install (maybe later). To run it now, clone the repository to your preferred location; then:

julia> import Pkg
julia> Pkg.activate("/path/to/CubeFitter.jl")
julia> Pkg.instantiate()  # Install dependencies, needs only be done once.
julia> using CubeFitter

Alternatively, you can enter the Pkg> prompt, run activate /path/to/CubeFitter.jl, then (first time) instantiate(). Press Backspace to return to the normal julia> prompt, and run using CubeFitter.

Quick example

A simple example of a session using CubeFitter.jl:

julia> cube = NIRSpecCube("/path/to/datacube.fits", "g140m"; z_init=2.43)
julia> cscube = cont_subt(cube)
julia> write_spectral_cube_to_fits("mycube.fits", cscube)
julia> out = fit_cube(cscube)
julia> write_maps_to_fits("/desired/path/to/output/file.fits", out)

It is of course possible to just load the continuum subtracted cube and not go through that step again.

The function fit_cube() will return a dictionary of $N\times M \times 3$ arrays, one for each fitted line, as well as one for the 0th to 2nd moment, the spaxel-wise redshift, and line width. Each such array will have the measured values as the first slice, the parameter error in the second slice, and the fit statistics in the last. Each of these slices will be saved as an individual HDU in the output FITS file.

The function fit_cube is mainly a convenience function enabling one to cycle through every spaxel in the cube, and running the fits with default settings. One can also use the function fit_spectrum_from_subcube() directly. This function allows to extract a spectrum from the cube based on an x- and y range passed to it (this must always be a range; if only one spaxel is wanted, give the range for the spaxel (i, j) as xrange=i:i, yrange=j:j). The function extracts a simple, un-weighted spectrum over the given (x, y) range, runs the fit, and return a dictionary of the fit results and statistics, along with the extracted spectrum, errors, and wavelength range for convenience. See the function docstring to learn more.

Specify lines to fit

If nothing is specified in the call to fit_cube or fit_spectrum_from_subcube, these functions will attempt to fit all lines in the line list loaded along with the datacube, but will skip any that either is outside the wavelength range of the cube, or has flux below the value of min_snr.

It is also possible to specify a list of lines to fit at the time of calling these functions, with the optional argument line_selection, taking a list of line names in String of Symbol format.

If no kinematic template lines are selected (see below), the lines in this list will be fitted simultaneously with shared kinematic parameters.

If kinematic template lines are specified, then the remaining lines will be modeled one by one.

Use selection of lines as kinematics template

the fit_cube function can as an optional argument take a list of lines to use for a kinematics template. In this case, the lines of this list will first be fit simultaneously as above. Afterwards, the remaining lines will be fit one by one with their kinematics fixed to the one found from the template lines, and the flux left as the only free parameters.

julia> cscube = NIRSpecCube("/path/to/cont_subtracted/datacube.fits", "g140m"; z_init=0.76)
julia> out = fit_cube(cscube, kinematics_from_lines=[:HI_4861, :OIII_4959, :OIII_5007])
julia> quicklook_slice(out, :OIII_5007, norm=sqrt, cmap=:inferno)

NB! Lines that are part of blended features should be included in this list to be modeled properly, even if they are not particularly strong. I will implement something more elegant if I find the time (pull requests are always welcome!)

Data format

The function fit_cube() expects the data to already be continuum subtracted, but otherwise saved in the same data format as the final pipeline products of a given instrument; this can be done using the cont_subt() function as described above. Using JWST/NIRSpec as an example, this means that the data cubes should be saved as a FITS file with an empty primary HDU, and the flux and error cubes saved as the first and second extensions, respectively. At the moment, this requirement is hardcoded, and any other formats will either throw an error or, at worst, yield wrong and meaningless results.

Quicklook functions

CubeFitter includes three functions to quickly view fitting output for quality control. See the docstings in the Julia REPL for documentation. The functions are:

  • quicklook_slice: Views the 2D line and kinematics maps output by fit_cube.

  • quicklook_fit_result_dict: Previews the output of a single spectrum fit generated by fit_spectrum_from_subcube.

  • quicklook_model: Previews a model generated by the function build_model. See the docstrings of these functions for directions.


There really isn't much to look at but here it is:

Screenshot of CubeFitter in action

Planned features / whishlist

In order of approximate priority:

  • Include continuum subtraction functionality in the package.
  • Make it possible to add a second and perhaps third kinematic component.
  • Write quicklook-functions allowing to quickly view the fit outputs with minimum input. But still be tinker-friendly, don't hide stuff from the user.
  • Create an interface to fix ratio between lines of doublets with shared upper levels.
  • Create interface to select lines to always fit together (useful for blended features).
  • Test and ensure the MUSECube and MIRICube structs actually works as advertised
  • Allow for measuring flux or upper limits in lines that are currently excluded as having too low S/N ratio.
  • Add support for more instruments. Suggestions welcome (especially if accompanied with a suitable test dataset).


Julia package for fitting emission lines in astronomical spectral cubes.

License:MIT License


Language:Julia 100.0%