threeday0905 / obj-parser

A tool to parse object properties with dynamic replacer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A tool to parse object properties with dynamic replacer.

How to Use

var replacer = {
    name: 'James',
    age: 12

var source = {
    foo: '{{name}} / age {{age}}',
    bar: 'staic text',
    baz: [
        '{{name}}', {{age}}

var result = require('obj-parser').parse(source, replacer);
    foo: 'James / age 12',
    bar: 'staic text',
    baz: [
        'James', '12'


There are some other useful APIs as below:

isPlainObject( value )

desc: same as jQuery.isPlainObject

extendAllProps( receiver, [ supplier, supplier2, ...] )

desc: same as jQuery.extend

parseString( str, replacer, callback )

desc: parse string, replace {{xxx}} with map object or callback function

parseString('name: {{foo}}', {
    foo: 'James'

parseString('name: {{foo}}', function(match, key) {
    return key.toUpperCase(); // key will be 'foo'
getPropByPath( object, path )

desc: get prop value from object with prop path

var source = {
    foo: {
        bar: 'hello'

getPropByPath(source, ''); //return 'hello'
setPropByPath ( object, path, newValue )

desc: set prop value from object with prop path

var source = {
    foo: {
        bar: 'hello'

setPropByPath(source, '', 'world'); // update 'hello' to 'world'
replaceAllStrProps( obj, replaceFn, hoster )

desc: go throgh all props, and replace the value if it is string.

refer "test/replaceAllStrProp.test.js" for" detail usage.

replaceAllMatchProps( obj, matchFn, replaceFn, hoster )

desc: go throgh all props, and replace the value if it is pase the matchFn.

refer "test/replaceAllMatchProps.test.js" for detail usage.


If you have any questions, feel free to create a new issue.


A tool to parse object properties with dynamic replacer


Language:JavaScript 100.0%