thoughtpolice / yowasp-runtime-js

Common runtime for YoWASP packages deployed to NPM, interfacing with Node.js and the browser

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YoWASP JavaScript runtime

This package is an internal support package for the YoWASP project. It handles interfacing with the WebAssembly runtime and the supported execution environments (Node.js and the browser). Do not depend on this package in your own code.

API reference

All of the other JavaScript YoWASP packages re-export the API of the package. They export the function runX where X is the name of the application, which can be called as:

const filesOut = await runX(args, filesIn, { printLine: console.log, decodeASCII: true });

Arguments and return value:

  • The args argument is an array of command line arguments, e.g. ['--version']. The 0th argument (program name) is not provided, since it is fixed and determined by the application.
  • The filesIn argument is an object associating filenames with contents, e.g. {"inv.v": "module inv(input a, output o); assign o = ~a; endmodule"}. The values can be strings or instances of Uint8Array (which specify files), or, recursively, the same kind of object (which specifies a directory). The specified files and directories are placed in the root of the virtual filesystem.
  • The filesOut return value is the same kind of object as filesIn, representing the state of the virtual filesystem after the application terminated. It contains all of the data provided in filesIn as well, unless these files were modified or removed by the application.


  • The printLine option is a function called for each line of text the application prints to the terminal (i.e. standard output and standard error), without the terminating '\n' character. The text printed to standard output and standard error is combined as it is being printed (without buffering). The default is printLine: console.log.
  • The decodeASCII option determines whether the values corresponding to files in filesOut are always instances of Uint8Array (if decodeASCII: false), or whether the values corresponding to text files will be strings (if decodeASCII: true). A file is considered a text file if it contains only bytes 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0d, or those in the range 0x20 to 0x7e inclusive. The default is decodeASCII: true.

If the application returns a non-zero exit code, the exception Exit (exported alongside the runX function) is raised. This exception has two properties:

  • The code property indicates the exit code. (Currently this is always 1 due to WebAssembly peculiarities.)
  • The files property represents the state of the virtual filesystem after the application terminated. This property can be used to retrieve log files or other data aiding in diagnosing the error.


This package is covered by the ISC license.


Common runtime for YoWASP packages deployed to NPM, interfacing with Node.js and the browser

License:ISC License


Language:JavaScript 95.6%Language:Shell 2.5%Language:C 2.0%