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The Amnesic Network Toolkit for Offense

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T.A.N.T.O. Linux

The Amnesic Network Toolkit for Offense

Tanto (短刀) Linux


The Amnesic Network Toolkit for Offense

Tanto is a Kali live-build recipe that includes a bunch of admin tools found in Debian as well as some tools and frameworks that are little-known outside of the professional security community. Tor is supplemented by i2p and freenet. Tanto is a spiritual successor to Tin-Foil-Hat Linux.


##Pre-build checklist:

  1. apt-get install git live-build cdebootstrap kali-archive-keyring
  2. git clone
    a) Check out Kali's: git clone git://

##to build:

  1. lb clean --purge
  2. dpkg --add-architecture amd64
  3. apt-get update
  4. lb config --bootappend-live "hostname=tanto" --architecture amd64 --mirror-binary --mirror-binary-security --apt-options "--force-yes --yes"
  5. lb build


  1. Steps two and three are unecessary after the first run.
  2. You can use apt-cacher-ng and netselect-apt to respectively cache your packages (so that you won't need to download them from the repos upon each build), and speed test and autoselect the fastest local Debian mirror. This is useful if you plan to do a lot of builds in a short time, or automate a build process such as with continuing integration (CI).


Q For whom did you make this?
A For security professionals, in order to give them immediate and easy access to new tools that I've discovered, as well as the administrative power of tools already found in Debian repos. Necessary disclaimer: This is not for script kiddies, and no I will not help you hack your mom to delete the dick pics that you accidentally drunk texted to her.


##from Debian netselect-apt

###for Hashkill libssl-dev

###for everything else adduser

##from gems ronin (

##from the web hashkill (
fakeap (
quicksnap (

TANTO is based on for a privacy-first, secure-by-default architecture and design pattern.
N.B: This distro, like Tails, is designed as a live-linux. For dedicated install, I suggest Qubes-OS.

Phase (0): Research

I downloaded the latest ISOs for Tails & Kali, and extracted them.
Then I diffed the file live/filesystem.packages
If you want to use an Open-Source graphical diff tool, try meld.
Both Tails and Kali are based on Debian
Furthermore, the live versions are both based on Debian Live.


Tails - Building a Tails image
Tails - customize
DebianLive Wiki
Live Systems Manual The God Doc
Live Build a Custom Kali ISO
Building Custom Kali Live ISO Images
Building Kali on Non-Kali Debian Based Systems

Tails suggests building on Debian 9 (Stretch), or newer.
Likewise, Kali can be build on Debian.
We have now chosen our build system.

Phase (1): Setup

(0) Install Debian 9
su -
apt install sudo
Optional: sudo apt install netselect-apt (for getting your fastest local apt mirror)
(1) Install Tails build requirements:
sudo apt install psmisc git rake libvirt-daemon-system dnsmasq-base ebtables qemu-system-x86 qemu-utils vagrant vagrant-libvirt vmdebootstrap
sudo systemctl restart libvirtd
#!/bin/bash for group in kvm libvirt libvirt-qemu ; do sudo adduser "$(whoami)" "$group" done (2) Obtain Tails source code: git clone cd tails git checkout devel git submodule update --init (3) Notes on building Tails: rake build && rake vm:halt rake build --trace && rake vm:halt for verbose rake clean_all to clean the build environment after a failed build (not totally necessary if the build fails) if it failes a few times just clean and try again (build takes as long as the 1st time after clean) (which is hours)

Phase (2): MAGIC

(?) Make modifications... Everything can be found on the God Doc:

OK, I so can add the Kali repository in a Tails build directory: tails/config/chroot_sources Just create a file named kali.chroot with contents deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib (Also create a symbolic link to kali.binary as such: ln -s kali.chroot kali.binary) Also got the GPG key from extracting this deb as follows: wget dpkg-deb -R kali-archive-keyring_2018.1_all.deb tmp cp tmp/usr/share/keyrings/kali-archive-keyring.gpg tails/config/chroot_sources/ Then rename it and make symbolic link: cd tails/config/chroot_sources mv kali-archive-keyring.gpg kali.chroot.gpg ln -s kali.chroot.gpg kali.binary.gpg You should now be done with working in the chroot_sources directory. Then I will have to list what packages to install here: tails/config/chroot_local-packageslists A simple attempt is just to copy the same list from Kali's variant-gnome live-build scripts: wget mv kali.list.chroot kali-gnome.list So there are two package lists now.

Side note: The goal will be merging the packages lists. A cool grapical diff tool for this is called meld: sudo apt install meld As an exercise I ran meld (just graphical diff) on the package lists of the extracted ISOs for Kali & Tails, but this wasn't necessary for development.

OK anyway trying to build at this point fails. Here is part of the error output:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 fdisk : Depends: libfdisk1 (>= 2.32) but 2.29.2-1+deb9u1 is to be installed
 libpam-systemd : Depends: systemd (= 237-3~bpo9+1) but it is not going to be installed
 perl-modules-5.26 : Depends: perl-base (>= 5.26.2-1) but 5.24.1-3+deb9u4 is to be installed
                     Breaks: perl (< 5.26.2~) but 5.24.1-3+deb9u4 is to be installed
                     Recommends: perl (>= 5.26.2-1) but 5.24.1-3+deb9u4 is to be installed
 reportbug-gtk : Depends: reportbug (= 7.5.0) but 7.1.7+deb9u2 is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

As you can see there are package version mismatches. It could be that Kali uses packages from Debian unstable and Tails from stable or something like that. A possible solution is to use apt pinning: and the relevant file in the Tails build is config/chroot_apt/preferences See also: article including apt-pinning in Kali:

I tried adding these lines to config/chroot_apt/preferences:

Package: *
Pin: release o=Kali,n=kali-rolling
Pin-Priority: 990

Now we have different errors. I take this as a good sign. I think I will keep this change.

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 tails-iuk : Depends: tails-perl5lib (>= 2.0) but it is not going to be installed
 tails-persistence-setup : Depends: libfunction-parameters-perl (>= 2.001003) but it is not going to be installed
                           Depends: tails-perl5lib (>= 2.0) but it is not going to be installed
 xserver-xorg-video-all : Depends: xserver-xorg-video-ati but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: xserver-xorg-video-fbdev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: xserver-xorg-video-nouveau but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: xserver-xorg-video-vesa but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: xserver-xorg-video-vmware but it is not going to be installed
 xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu : Depends: xorg-video-abi-24
 xserver-xorg-video-cirrus : Depends: xorg-video-abi-24
 xserver-xorg-video-intel : Depends: xorg-video-abi-24
 xserver-xorg-video-qxl : Depends: xorg-video-abi-24
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

So, I wrote an additional file tanto-extras.list in tails/config/chroot_local-packageslists:

# v0.2 Build Fixes

# a e s t h e t i c s


Package xorg-video-abi-24 is a virtual package provided by:
  xserver-xorg-core 2:1.20.1-4 [Not candidate version]
  xserver-xorg-core 2:1.20.1-1 [Not candidate version]

E: Package 'xorg-video-abi-24' has no installation candidate

OK just replace the latter string with the former and try again. Fail. Complains about lack of package xorg-video-abi-24 Adding it back in gets us back to the error above. Hmm. I Googled for the errant package and it is only in Debian sid. Maybe I can pin this package:

Package: xorg-video-abi-24 xserver-xorg-core xserver-common libfunction-parameters-perl
Pin: release o=Debian,n=sid
Pin-Priority: 999

Method described above, same file tails/config/chroot_apt/preferences. I later found out that libfunction-parameters-perl is pinned to stretch-backports earlier in the file. Whoops. Well it turns out that package is a Virtual Package so I read the documentation on those. Maybe just try pinning the package it is provided by too. I just listed it in the same line. Next failure: E: Unable to locate package perlapi Solution: remove from package list.

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libfunction-parameters-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.24.1
 virtualbox-guest-x11 : Depends: xorg-video-abi-23
 xserver-xorg-core : Depends: xserver-common (>= 2:1.20.1-4) but 2:1.19.2-1+deb9u2 is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

apt search perlapi returns libperl-apireference-perl so I added that to the package list. Also added xorg-video-abi-23 and xserver-common whilst pinning these two latter packages.

Package xorg-video-abi-23 is a virtual package provided by:
  xserver-xorg-core 2:1.19.2-1+deb9u2 [Not candidate version]

E: Package 'xorg-video-abi-23' has no installation candidate

Last time, with xorg-video-abi-24, I resolved the issue by pinning the package. I'm currently pinning both to the same release, and I should probably double check that. Well damn it looks like this one is in sid too and I ought to be able to pin it. Hmm. Oh fuck I think I see what is happening. Both of these want a different version of xserver-xorg-core. I suppose one is being requested by Tails and one by Kali. I will try to resolve this to the newer version.

Yes indeed it seems this is the case. Tails is requesting package virtualbox-guest-x11 which is in the file config/chroot_local-packageslists/tails-common.list and it is this package that is dependent on the older version of xorg-video-abi-23 and xserver-xorg-core

Let's see if virtualbox-guest-x11 is pinned or not, maybe we can pin it to sid too. Huh well it is definitely pinned so this could definitely break things. There's a current entry in config/chroot_local-apt/preferences:

Package: virtualbox*
Pin: release o=Debian,n=stretch-backports
Pin-Priority: 999

I don't fully understand backports yet, so it seems like changing this to sid will break things. But let's try it anyway. Well holy Shit it kinda worked. Now we are back to the perlapi problem

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libfunction-parameters-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.24.1
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

So obviously adding libperl-apireference-perl did not fix that, and I can remove it. apt search libfunction-parameters-perl returns no results on my Debian 9 stable. Hrm.. Google search for libfunction-parameters-perl results in this definitely being in sid. LET'S PIN IT Huh however perlapi is only in Stretch. Maybe I should pin it too. Actually I don't need to pin libfunction-paremeters-perl, just perlapi.

Package: perlapi perl-base perl
Pin: release o=Debian,n=stretch

Same error. Fuck maybe not backports just stretch. Trying again. Note I deleted these lines later No dice. Maybe I need it in a package list. E: Unable to locate package perlapi Well what now. Maybe do try stretch-backports but with it in the packageslist now. Same problem again. Mother Fucker! Another virtual package. Again I will pin both the virtual and the providing package, in this case, perl-base OK maybe these aren't in stretch-backports after all. Switching back to stretch. The new error:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 perl : Depends: perl-base (= 5.26.2-7) but 5.24.1-3+deb9u4 is to be installed
 perl-modules-5.26 : Depends: perl-base (>= 5.26.2-1) but 5.24.1-3+deb9u4 is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

Ah, a clear version mismatch. What I would like to do is not include libgtk-pixbuf2.0 since the UI is going to be based mostly on Kali anyway, which is the old package that requries old perl, or I can try rolling back all of the perl. Since I've already started walking down this path, I'm going to roll back (by pinning) all of the perl. Let's see where this goes! Well, I'm dumb, I can't do that, perl-modules-5.26 clearly requires 5.26 so I can't pin back to 5.24 obviously. So fuck it let's figure out what bullshit is using this outdated GTK package and get it the fuck out. cat config/chroot_local-packageslists/*.list | grep pixbuf gets you gtk2-engines-pixbuf and checking out that package with apt show demonistrates that it's literally a theme engine. Bye. Commented it out of tails-common.list and then removed the pin for the perl packages. Fingers crossed. Nope. Damn. It still tries to pull in libgdk-pixbuf2.0 so commenting out that line wasn't good enough. Gotta find what is trying to pull that in. Huh looks like the package is in both stretch and sid, so maybe I can pin it to sid and it won't try to pull in perlapi from stretch.

Package: libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0
Pin: release o=Debian,n=sid
Pin-Priority: 999

It's getting late, I'm an idiot, that's not the package I need to pin at all. Deleted lines The one that required perlapi in the first place is libfunction-parameters-perl So let's cut it out and see if that helps anything toward a working build. libfunction-parameters-perl is required by tails-persistence-setup So I can either remove tails-persistence-setup or maybe pin libfunction-parameters-perl to a newer version, let me try the latter first. Looks like its in sid, let's do it.

Package: libfunction-parameters-perl
Pin: release o=Debian,n=sid
Pin-Priority: 999

(Or you can just append to the line with Xorg and shit.)


P: Applying patch config/chroot_local-patches/Desktop-Notify:_0001-support_notification_actions.patch...
patching file usr/share/perl5/Desktop/
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n] 
Apply anyway? [n] 
Skipping patch.
3 out of 3 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file usr/share/perl5/Desktop/
patching file usr/share/perl5/Desktop/Notify/
Hunk #1 FAILED at 59.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 81.
Hunk #3 succeeded at 144 with fuzz 2 (offset 19 lines).
Hunk #4 FAILED at 154.
3 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file usr/share/perl5/Desktop/Notify/
P: Begin unmounting filesystems...

So the file its patching is part of a package called libdesktop-notify-perl but researching it this is not the issue, pinning libfunction-parameters-perl from stretch-backports to sid is what causes the break, the version number goes from... anyway, just see below: I got on Tails' IRC channel so I could scream my debugging woes into a void:

10:50:13   ksoona | so I had to pin package libfunction-parameters-perl to sid for my branch to get pack package build dependencies, but this breaks the first "Desktop-Notify" patch             │
10:53:11   ksoona | I heard there was some targeting buster and was curious if anyone is working on an updated patch or wants to pair on it. this could be an intrigeri question as they wrote    │
                  | the original patch                                                                                                                                                            │
10:53:51   ksoona | also I should probably get on Jabber but bleh                                                                                                                                 │
10:56:21   ksoona | although now that I look more closely at the patch: intrigeri's code works fine, it fails at a part contributed by Stephen Cavilia, C                                         │
10:56:49   ksoona | anyway any devs want to pair with me debugging this? I'll wait.                                                                                                               │
11:05:04   ksoona | huh it looks like /usr/share/perl5/Desktop/Notify/ is the file in package libdesktop-notify-perl that gets patched, but I'm not pinning that package I don't   │
                  | think and there haven't been any major changes to the package either I don't think                                                                                            │
11:07:00   ksoona | oh fuck I have two pinning entries for `libdesktop-notify-perl` let me try to deconflict them                                                                                 │
11:08:39   ksoona | yeah so the sid one has a higher priority so I assume it's taking precedence, there must be a delta between sid and stretch-backports gonna dig a lil further                 │
11:10:45   ksoona | oh wait they had the same priority. huh. wonder how apt preferences parses that, it must have gone with the latest entry since adding it fixed a build bug I had earlier      │
11:22:30   ksoona | OK yeah there is a delta for `libfunction-parameters-perl` from `stretch-backports` to `sid`, version number changes from 2.001003-1 in the current working tails build to    │
                  | 2.001003-2 in my branch. I had to upgrade perl to satisfy another dependency

I think most of the core devs use Jabber these days anyway. I mean XMPP. You know what I mean.

Let's regroup. Desktop notification seems like a "bells-and-whistles" feature, I wonder if I can comment out this patch and see where the next fail is. I tried commenting out every line past 66 Huh it still errors out, I wonder if I rename the .patch file to .patch.backup or something

Nope gotta rm it.

Rinse. Repeat.

Here's all the patches I had to delete:

ken@esper:~/code/tanto/config/chroot_local-patches$ diff ../../../tails/config/chroot_local-patches/ .
Only in ../../../tails/config/chroot_local-patches/: apparmor-adjust-cupsd-profile.diff
Only in ../../../tails/config/chroot_local-patches/: apparmor-adjust-gst_plugin_scanner-profile.diff
Only in ../../../tails/config/chroot_local-patches/: apparmor-adjust-python-abstraction.diff
Only in ../../../tails/config/chroot_local-patches/: apparmor-adjust-totem-profile.diff
Only in ../../../tails/config/chroot_local-patches/: apparmor-aliases.diff
Only in ../../../tails/config/chroot_local-patches/: cupsd-IPv4_only.patch
Only in ../../../tails/config/chroot_local-patches/: Desktop-Notify:_0001-support_notification_actions.patch
Only in ../../../tails/config/chroot_local-patches/: Desktop-Notify:_0002-support_hints.patch
Only in ../../../tails/config/chroot_local-patches/: live-boot:_dont_mount_live_overlay_twice.patch

After removing a number of patches that didn't take, now the build fails at the first hook. I'm tempted to take the same dirty approach, simply removing any script that errors out. We'll see what happens. This probably breaks a lot of Tails functionality and features. I'll accept this tradeoff in order to get Kali tools.

Here's everything I removed:

ken@esper:~/code/tanto/config/chroot_local-hooks$ diff ../../../tails/config/chroot_local-hooks/ .
Only in ../../../tails/config/chroot_local-hooks/: 01-check-for-dot-orig-files
Only in ../../../tails/config/chroot_local-hooks/: 04-change-gids-and-uids
Only in ../../../tails/config/chroot_local-hooks/: 05-adduser_tails-persistence-setup

Damn had to remove a hook that helps with tails-persistence-setup will have to fix that l8r

Setting up onionshare (1.3-1) ...
P: Begin unmounting filesystems...

We are past the hooks and now fail installing onionshare. I'll comment this from packageslists. And blast, we have our first Kali package failure:

Setting up dradis (3.10.0-0kali1) ...
Adding system user `dradis' (UID 128) ...
Adding new group `dradis' (GID 137) ...
Adding new user `dradis' (UID 128) with group `dradis' ...
Creating home directory `/var/lib/dradis' ...
P: Begin unmounting filesystems...

There are also a number of notable UID errors, probably from removing that Tails hook. This one isn't called out specifically in packageslists because it's part of the kali-linux-full metapackage. Just for the sake of getting this to build so I can submit it to a CFP, let's cut out hundreds of Kali tools and use only the kali-linux-top10 metapackage just as a test. Fails on hook #44 now, removing it. 44-remove-unused-AppArmor-profiles Oh lol one of the hooks is just a symbolic link to an earlier one that I removed I guess tails build needed it to run twice gotta remove the symlink now.

E: config/chroot_local-hooks/99-zzz_check_uids_and_gids failed (exit non-zero). You should check for errors.
P: Begin unmounting filesystems...

I should have seen that coming.

Once I removed the reproducible build postprocessing script everything went to shit. Trying a rake clean_all and then rake build --trace I think I'm fucked

P: Begin ensuring chroot contents are reproducible...
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/kernel-img.conf
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/apt/sources.list
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/apt/apt.conf
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/hostname
P: Deconfiguring file /bin/hostname
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/resolv.conf
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/hosts
P: Deconfiguring file /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
P: Deconfiguring file /usr/sbin/initctl
P: Deconfiguring file /sbin/start-stop-daemon
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/debian_chroot
P: Begin unmounting /sys...
P: Begin unmounting /selinux...
P: Begin unmounting /proc...
P: Begin unmounting /dev/pts...
P: Begin caching chroot stage...
P: Begin unmounting filesystems...
P: Setting up cleanup function
P: Begin copying chroot...
P: This may take a while.
rake aborted!

N.B. cd config then tree is really useful for analyzing how Tails is structured and built.

(~) For comparison the Kali build script:

Phase (3): a e s t h e t i c s Finally I will want to run some scripts to setup the GUI how I like it and configure some installed tools: I can modify some of my rice scripts and put them in tails/config/chroot_local-hooks

Graphic design and branding: tails/data/splash.png what else? I wrote a get-wallpaper script in the rice repo for my other user, and thats the background I want to use. Wallaper files are in config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/tails

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Creative Commons License
GNU Affero GPL


The Amnesic Network Toolkit for Offense