thomasrosales / mm-script

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Folder Structure

├── app
|    ├──
|    └──  # script python
├── output                   # file output
├── source                   # soruce files provide to media monks
|    ├── input.jpg
|    ├── python.png
|    └──
├── temp                     # temp file
├── requirements.txt         # python requirements.txt to install dependecies
├──                  # python test file
├── .gitignore

How to use

  1. In the source folder must be the files that you want to transform. Also the image that you will use to overlay the base image.
  2. It's necessary to have installed python >= 3.7
  3. In the root of the folder is the requirements.txt file. Go to there through the terminal and execute the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. To run the script you must be execute the following code:
python app/ --filename input.jpg --output tt --ext png  --rotate 90 --gray_scale bw8bp --overlay python.png --rotate 15  --verbose --show
  1. To run the test you could execute the following code: python


Command Option Description Required
--filename The filename of the base image. It's necessary to expecify the extension. For example: --filename input_file.png Yes
--output The output filename. Only the name without the extension. For example: --output output_file Yes
--ext The output filename extension. The possible values are ['png', 'jpg']. For example: --ext png Yes
--rotate It's a number of degrees that it's used to rotate the image. For example: --rotate 15 No
--gray_scale It's an string that it's used to transform the image in black and white. Optional values are ['bw1bp', 'bw8bp']. For example: --gray_scale bw8bp No
--overlay It's the name of the image thant you want to overlay with the --filename image. It's necessary write the entire name. For example: --overlay python.png No
--verbose Show on the command line different messages to indicate which process is running. No
--show Show the output image file. No



Language:Python 100.0%