thomaskwan / docker-spark

docker image for spark-1.2.0

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is my minimal spark image (based on hadoop-2.4.0, scala-2.10.4)

Run the Containers

SSH keys Container

First we fire up the keys_host so that we can mount the .ssh volume in spark container.

sudo docker run --name keyhost ezhaar/key-host

Spark Container

Now we run the Spark container

    sudo docker run -it \
    --volumes-from keyhost \
    --name spark-test \
    -h master.localdomain \
    --dns-search=localdomain \
  • -h sets the hostname and adds an entry in the /etc/hosts file.
  • --dns-search updates the /etc/resolve.conf for reverse DNS lookups.

Once the container has started, format the namenode the namenode, we are ready to play with hadoop and spark.

hdfs namenode -format
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/root
hdfs dfs -ls

Note: Make sure to edit the

Create a Spark Cluster on a Single Host

Start a couple of slaves and the master:

    # start the first slave
    sudo docker run -d \
    --volumes-from keyhost \
    --name slave1 \
    -h slave1.localdomain \
    --dns-search=localdomain \

    # start the second slave
    sudo docker run -d \
    --volumes-from keyhost \
    --name slave2 \
    -h slave2.localdomain \
    --dns-search=localdomain \

    # start the master and link the slaves
    sudo docker run -d \
    --volumes-from keyhost \
    --name master \
    -h master.localdomain \
    --link slave1:slave1 \
    --link slave2:slave2 \
    --dns-search=localdomain \

    # Now get a terminal on master
    sudo docker exec -it master /bin/bash

Now, all we need to do is edit the slaves file in HADOOP_CONF and SPARK_CONF directories and then start the services as usual.


docker image for spark-1.2.0


Language:Shell 100.0%