thomasdelorge / multiple-pdf-password-remover

Simply remove known password from multiple pdf (python or powershell)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multiple pdf password remover


A really simple script to remove (not crack !) password from multiple pdf files.

Available in two versions :

Powershell (NEW !)

(+) Support multiple passwords possibilities

(+) Two level of logs : debug & succeeded only

(+) Auto-detect & Download qPDF from Github repo

(-) Probably windows only cause of using Windows Forms

Python (console only)

(+) Python : welcome linux's friends

(-) Console only

(-) Need edit script before launch (set password)

(-) Some dependencies


Simply remove known password from multiple pdf (python or powershell)


Language:PowerShell 83.7%Language:Python 16.3%