thomascrha / subscript

A simple REST API based around a simple business model

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • python3
  • Used flask, which technically is a 'framework' - if you could call flask one - I have decided to make this an API
  • REST and keep it Zen and PEP8
  • Utilised SQLAlchemy for my models and data
  • Utilised pytest instead of unittest
  • Utilised marshmallow for serialization and validation
  • Set myself a 24 hour limit - which I kept


git clone
cd subscript

# install postgres
brew install postgresql
brew service start postgresql

# createdb
createdb subscript
createdb subscript-test

# create an env and install requirements
# if on mac run this:
env LDFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib" pip install -r requirements.txt

# if not
pip install -r requirements.txt

./manage db upgrade
./ runserver
./ test


content type = application/json

  • /customers GET
  • /customers/<int:customer_id> GET POST PUT
    • POST required data (email_address, name, plan_id, password, username)
    • PUT data that can be changed (email_address, name, password, username)
  • /customers/<int:customer_id>/plan PUT
    • PUT required data (plan_name)
  • /customers/<int:customer_id>/websites PUT DELETE
    • DELETE required data (website_url)
    • PUT data that can be changed (website_url)
  • /websites GET
  • /websites/<int:website_id> GET POST PUT
    • POST required data (url)
    • PUT data that can be changed (url)
  • /plans GET
  • /plans/<int:customer_id> GET POST PUT
    • POST required data (name, site_allowance, price)
    • PUT data that can be changed (name, site_allowance, price)


Licencing System

We would like to see how you solve an OO design problem. Let's create a simple subscription system. The goal is to emulate buying a yearly plan and attach website(s) to it.

There are 3 business entities :

  • Customer - has a name, a password an email address, a subscription and a subscription renewal date.
  • Plan - has a name, a price, and a number of websites allowance.
  • Website - has an URL, and a customer

A customer should be able to subscribe to plan, move from a plan to another and manage websites (add/update/remove) according to his plan. Subscriptions have a 1-year time value.

Notes :

  • Having a DB is optional
  • We have 3 plans :
    • Single, 1 website, 49$
    • Plus, 3 websites $99
    • Infinite, unlimited websites $249
  • Please add automated tests, using unittest
  • Please use plain Python for this test : no framework . Of course any useful libraries can be used


A simple REST API based around a simple business model


Language:Python 98.5%Language:Mako 1.1%Language:Shell 0.3%