thomaschandler / home_led_proto

Protocol Definition for the Home LED project

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Home LED Protocol

This repository contains the protocol and associated tests for the Home LED project.


Currently this is a one way protocol used by home_led_arduino and home_led_srv.

When uploaded to an Arduino, the home_led_arduino sketch reads ControlMessage protocol buffers over the serial port, and uses the contained data to set a string of WS2812 LEDs.

The protocol doesn't specify the type of LEDs that are required, so the proto reciever could potentially be updated to drive a variety of LED strips.

Repo Structure

  • proto
    • Protocol Definition
    • Uses proto3


Instructions on how to compile the protocol are shown below. Currently only Go and C are shown, as this covers all projects that currently use this protocol (see above).

For compiling the protocol for other languages, see the documentation provided with your protobuf library.

Common Setup

  • Follow instructions to setup protoc
    • protoc might be bundled with a pacakage manager
      • OSX: brew install protobuf


The Go protobuf implementation can be found here.

For the example below, the output directory is selected such that home_led_srv can be built. Should a different output directory be required, change --go_out= to the desired location.

In order for the following steps to work, make sure $GO_PATH is set correctly. As an example: export GO_PATH=~/go

go get -u
go build
export PATH=$GO_PATH/bin:$PATH
# The following command will mention "no Go files". This warning can be
# disregarded
go get -u
cd $GO_PATH/src/
# Assumes Common Setup (above) is complete and protoc exists in $PATH
protoc --go_out="." proto/led.proto


The library used for the C-side implementation is nanopb.


Protocol Definition for the Home LED project