thomas-barthelemy / Project-Exchange-Format

A JSON-based data exchange format for Project and Issue tracking systems meant to be used a standard.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Projects and Issues Exchange Format v1.0

A JSON-based data exchange format for Project and Issue tracking systems meant to be used a standard.


The number of project and issue tracking system is quickly growing but this evolving environment lacks of a common data structure to exchange projects, issues (tasks, bugs...) which results in little to no interoperability.

The Projects and Issues Exchange Format aims to provide a common format for exchanging data between the existing platforms that could be exposed via APIs or as an export/import format.


The Projects and Issues Exchange Format targets Project and Issue tracking system.

This document specifies the exchange format for Projects and Issues, including their respecting fields and fields type.

Terms and Definitions

API: Application Program Interface.
JSON: JavaScript Object Notation, a lightweight data-interchange format.
PIEF: Projects and Issues Exchange Format, defined in this document.

Normative References

RFC 2119

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Date, Time and Duration

  • Dates should be formatted as recommended by RFC 3339.
  • Time durations should be formatted as recommended by ISO 8601.

General Exchange Format

  • The platform serving the data (via API and/or export) MUST propose at least the JSON format.
  • Data MAY be proposed in other format than JSON as an option.
  • When a field is required but contains no data in JSON, it MUST use the null JSON value.
  • A field with no value MUST NOT use an empty string.
  • Additional fields not described here MAY be added in any element (project, issue, origin...) for a specific need and SHOULD be simply ignored when not needed.


This part of the requirements specifies the root fields of the data format.

  • MUST have a projects field as an Array containing the list of projects as Objects.
  • MUST have a issues field as an Array containing the list of issues as Objects.
  • SHOULD have a version field as a string representing the version of the PIEF used to create the data.
  • SHOULD have a exportDate field as a string representing the data creation date.
  • SHOULD have a exportOrigin field as an Object providing information on the tool or platform that generated the data.

Export Origin

The part of the requirements specifies the fields of the exportOrigin Object defined at the root

  • MUST have a name field as a string representing the name of the tool or platform that generated the data.
  • SHOULD have a version field as a string representing the version of the tool or platform that generated the data.


  • MUST have a name field as a string representing the project name.
  • MUST have an id field as a string representing the project unique identifier.
  • MUST have a members field as an Array defining the project members and their role.
  • SHOULD have a description field as a string representing the project description.
  • SHOULD have a parentId field as a string representing the unique identifier of the parent project (if any).
  • SHOULD have a authorId field as a string representing the unique identifier of the user who created the issue.
  • SHOULD have a creationDate field as a string representing the project creation date.
  • SHOULD have a lastUpdate field as a string representing the project last update date.


  • MUST have an id field as a string representing the unique identifier of an user.
  • MUST have a role field as a string representing the role of the user in the project.


  • MUST have an id field as a string representing the issue unique identifier.
  • MUST have a title field as a string representing the issue title or subject.
  • MUST have an authorId field as a string representing the unique identifier of the user who created the issue.
  • MUST have an assigneeId field as a string representing the unique identifier of the user assigned to the issue.
  • MUST have a status field as an integer representing the issue status as explained below:
    • 0 (Default): Newly created issue (New).
    • 1: The issue is being worked on (In Progress).
    • 2: The issue is completed and awaiting validation (Resolved).
    • 3: The issue is either validated, or terminated prematurely (Closed).
  • SHOULD have a creationDate field as a string representing the issue creation date.
  • SHOULD have a dueDate field as a string representing the issue due date.
  • SHOULD have a timeSpent field as a string representing the total time spent (duration) on the issue.
  • SHOULD have a type field as an integer representing the issue type as explained below:
    • 0 (Default): Task.
    • 1: Bug.
    • 2: Story.
  • SHOULD have a tags field as an array of string representing the tags associated with the issue.


A JSON-based data exchange format for Project and Issue tracking systems meant to be used a standard.