thoas / django-data-exporter

[ABANDONED] Export asynchronously your data from your models

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


django-data-exporter is a simple Django application to export asynchronously your data from your models.

It's based on Celery (>= 2.3) to use Chords and tablib to export your data in multiple formats.


  1. Either check out the package from GitHub or it pull from a release via PyPI

    pip install django-data-exporter
  2. Configure your Django project to use djcelery

  3. Add 'data_exporter' to your INSTALLED_APPS



django-data-exporter uses channels to discover your exports and to transfer them to celery. So let's say you have the following model in a polls application

# polls/
from django.db import models

class Poll(models.Model):
    question = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published')

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.question

Now, you want to define your first exporter right? Create a file in your polls application and extend Export to build your own Exporter

# polls/
from data_exporter.base import Export

from polls.models import Poll

class PollExport(Export):
    filename = 'poll'
    columns = ('id', 'question')
    headers = ('id', 'question')
    directory = 'polls'

    def get_query(self, offset=None, limit=None):
        qs = Poll.objects.all()

        if not offset is None and not limit is None:
            return qs[offset:limit]

        elif limit:
            return qs[:limit]

        elif offset:
            return qs[offset:]

        return qs

    def get_count(self):
        return Poll.objects.count()

Final step is to register this exporter in DATA_EXPORTER_CHANNELS in your Django settings

    'polls': 'polls.exports.PollExport'

You can now use the celery tasks provided by django-data-exporter as so

from data_exporter.tasks import builder
builder.delay('polls', 'csv')

First parameter is the name of your channel and second parameter is the format wanted.

As said before, we use the beautiful tablib library to export your data, so as you may understood we support all formats provided by this library.



All your registered channels.


The directory used to export your data.


[ABANDONED] Export asynchronously your data from your models


Language:Python 100.0%