thm-mni-ii / NgxMatIoBrokerConnectorService

A Angular Service that connects to the Socket Adapter of the ioBroker to send and receive data -

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  • A simple Angular Service that can be used in your project
  • It allows the user to connect to their ioBroker and send and receive data
  • It is developed using Angular >=6.0.0 and its newly introduced ng g library schematics.
  • This library is part of MatIoBroker project and it is generated with Angular CLI version 8.2.12.
  • Library location: projects/ngx-mat-io-broker-connector-service directory of this repository.


  • A simple Example can be found under src/app directory of this repository.


The Socket Adapter of the ioBroker has to be installed and running. You can find it under the name "socketio.0". For further information, visit the GitHub page of the Adapter.

For the chart feature both ng2-charts and chartjs have to be installed in your angular project.

npm install --save ng2-charts

npm install --save chart.js

For the lights component Fontawesome and Angular Material have to be installed.

ng add @fortawesome/angular-fontawesome@<version>

ng add @angular/material


npm i ngx-mat-io-broker-connector-service



  • function(ip, port)
  • ip - string - The ip of the device where the ioBroker is running (e.g. "")
  • port - number - The port on which the the socket adapter is operating (e.g. 8080)

The connect function let's the user connect to the socket adapter of their ioBroker. It is important to use with a promise here, and only call further functions once the promise is resolved. If it is rejected, then the connecting process failed.

this.ioBrokerConn.connect('', 8080).then(() => {
      // Call further functions here
    }).catch((err) => {
      // Connection failed


  • function(object, state)
  • object - string - The object path for the new getter (e.g. "deconz.0.Sensors.2")
  • state - string - The state of the object for the new getter (e.g. "buttonevent")

Registers a new getter, which means that new values will be returned to the getterData subscription.

this.ioBrokerConn.registerGetter('deconz.0.Sensors.2', 'buttonevent');


  • function(object, state, key)
  • object - string - The object path of the wanted object (e.g. "deconz.0.Sensors.2")
  • state - string - The state of the wanted object (e.g. "buttonevent")
  • key - string - The key of the wanted value (e.g. "val")

Returns either a value or a whole state, depending on the key parameter. It returns a specific value if the a key parameter was passed on. If the key parameter is empty, it returns the whole state of the object.

let variable = this.ioBrokerConn.getter('deconz.0.Sensors.2', 'buttonevent', 'val'); // returns a specific value
let variable2 = this.ioBrokerConn.getter('deconz.0.Sensors.2', 'buttonevent', '');   // returns the whole state


  • function()

Returns all states that currently exists on the ioBroker, as an object.

let states = this.ioBrokerConn.getAllStates();


  • function(object, state, value)

  • object - string - The object path to the object where a value is to be changed (e.g. "deconz.0.Sensors.2")

  • state - string - The state of the object where a value is to be changed (e.g. "buttonevent")

  • value - any - The value that will replace the old value (e.g. 1337)

The function sets a new value of the state of the object that was passed on. It is important to note that the socket adapter only changes the 'val' key in the state and you can not change any other key with this function.

this.ioBrokerConn.setter('deconz.0.Sensors.2', 'buttonevent', 1337);



Subscription to a behaviourSubject in the service. It receives new data whenever the state of one of the registered is changed.

 // Represents the subscription to the behaviourSubject in the ioBrokerConnService for the data of all registered getters
  getterSubscription: Subscription;

 // Initialise in ngOnInit
 this.getterSubscription = this.ioBrokerConn.getterData$
      .subscribe(data => {
        // data contains an object ({id: 'id', state: 'state'}) which can be handled here


Subscription to a behaviourSubject in the service. It receives new data whenever the state of any object is changed.

 // Represents the subscription to the behaviourSubject in the ioBrokerConnService for all data that the socket adapter returns
  allDataSubscription: Subscription;

 // Initialise in ngOnInit
this.allDataSubscription = this.ioBrokerConn.allData$
      .subscribe(data => {
        // data contains an object ({id: 'id', state: 'state'}) which can be handled here

HTML Placeholder


Displays a chart when passed on the correct paramenter as settings.

  • alias - string - Name of the data that is displayed in the chart (eg. "registered User")
  • type - string - Type of the chart (eg. "line", "pie", "doughnut", "bar")
  • objectPath - string - The object path to the object which data should be displayed (eg. "deconz.0.Sensors.2")
  • state - string - The state of the object which data should be displayed (e.g. "buttonevent")

Only needed for line charts.

  • maxEntries - number - Max amount of entries that will be displayed in a line chart (eg. 10)
  • backgroundColor - string - Backgroundcolor of the line chart (eg. "red")
  • borderColor - string - Bordercolor of the line chart (eg. "black")


Displays a datadisplay when passed on the correct paramenter as settings. It only shows one value that is received from the Socket Adapter.

  • objectPath - string - The object path to the object which data should be displayed (eg. "deconz.0.Sensors.2")
  • state - string - The state of the object which data should be displayed (e.g. "buttonevent")
  • bold - boolean - Destermines whether the data will be displayed in bold or not (eg. true)
  • color - string - Color of the displayed data (eg. "red")


  1. Import the file from your Socket Adapter in the index.html file of your angular project. It is important to change "YourIP" to the IP of of the device where the ioBroker is running and "Port" to the port on which the the socket adapter is operating

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://YourIP:Port/"></script>

    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
     <meta charset="utf-8">
     <base href="/">
     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
     <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico">
     <!-- It is important to change "YourIP" to the IP of of the device where the ioBroker is running
                                      and "Port" to the port on which the the socket adapter is operating -->
     <script type="text/javascript" src="http://YourIP:Port/"></script>
  2. Import the NgxMatIoBrokerConnectorService from the package and inject it into the constructor, in the component where you want to use the ioBrokerConnector.

    import {NgxMatIoBrokerConnectorService} from 'ngx-mat-io-broker-connector-service';

    constructor(public ioBrokerConn: NgxMatIoBrokerConnectorService) {
  3. Connect to the Socket Adapter by using the connect function and pass on your IP and Port, as stated above.

    constructor(public ioBrokerConn: NgxMatIoBrokerConnectorService) {
         this.ioBrokerConn.connect('YourIP', Port).then(() => {
             // Examples
             }).catch((err) => {
             // If connection fails
  4. Call any of the provided functions in the success case of the connect function to receive and send data.

     let variable = this.ioBrokerConn.getter('deconz.0.Sensors.2', 'buttonevent', 'val');
     let variable2 = this.ioBrokerConn.getter('deconz.0.Sensors.2', 'buttonevent', '');
     let states = this.ioBrokerConn.getAllStates();
     this.ioBrokerConn.setter('deconz.0.Sensors.2', 'buttonevent', 1337);
  5. Register to the getterData and/or allData BehaviourSubject to receive data. Create a Subscription variable for that and subscribe on the subjects in the ngOnInit function of your component.

    getterSubscription: Subscription;

    allDataSubscription: Subscription;

    ngOnInit(): void {
        // Subscribe to getterData
        this.getterSubscription = this.ioBrokerConn.getterData$
          .subscribe(data => {
            // data contains an object ({id: 'id', state: 'state'}) which can be handled here
        // Subscribe to allData
        this.allDataSubscription = this.ioBrokerConn.allData$
          .subscribe(data => {
            // data contains an object ({id: 'id', state: 'state'}) which can be handled here

Additional Components


To use the Chart-Component, simply add the HTML-Placeholder at the correct position into your HTML file and pass on the required parameters.

Example for line chart:


Example for pie chart:



To use the Datadisplay-Component, simply add the HTML-Placeholder at the correct position into your HTML file and pass on the required parameters.




To use the Lights-Component, simply add the HTML-Placeholder at the correct position into your HTML file and pass on the required parameters.


Note: For further documentation, check out the example provided in the src directory.

Running the example in local environment

  • npm i
  • Change "YourIP" and "Port" to yours. (This is needed in the index.html and in the app.component.ts files)
  • Change the parameter in the ioBrokerConn-chart Placeholder to your needs
  • Run ng serve for a dev server and running the demo app. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Build the NgxMatIoBrokerConnectorService module

Run ng build NgxMatNgxMatIoBrokerConnectorService to build the library. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ngx-mat-io-broker-connector-service directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.


Also thanks to Sanjiv Kumar from Medium who wrote a blog post about publishing a library to npm which helped me greatly in the process of publishing my own library.


A Angular Service that connects to the Socket Adapter of the ioBroker to send and receive data -

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 92.2%Language:HTML 4.0%Language:JavaScript 3.5%Language:CSS 0.3%