thisisishara / pre-commit-demo

This is a demo repository for installing a pre-commit hook for executing black for Python code refactoring

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a demo repository for installing a pre-commit hook for executing black for Python code refactoring


  1. Install pre-commit using pip install pre-commit
  2. create .pre-commit-config.yaml in project root and add required repos
  3. run pre-commit install on root to install the hooks
  4. run pre-commit uninstall to uninstall hooks
  5. run pre-commit run --all-files to manually run the hooks

more info on this @

Automatically generating docstrings using pyment

  1. run pip install pyment to install pyment
  2. run pyment -o google . for generating atomic google docstrings. Files are not overwritten (.patch files are created)
  3. run pyment -o google -w . for overwriting existing .py files with atomic google docstrings.

more info on this @ possibly you might wanna remove *.py.patch files


This is a demo repository for installing a pre-commit hook for executing black for Python code refactoring


Language:Python 100.0%