08/10/2020: 9PM: Main work: * implement relative, k-means grading and compare them and share insights * tips = gaps finding and gaps dealing. Points: * get relative rule and assign grades. * the problem will be in gaps. * find gaps heuristic function or DBI formula * apply to evaluate * find kmeans algo * apply kmeans algo for grades * evaluate clustering quality * show results to sir. * do literature review of last research paper. 13/09/2020: Problem 1. get an excel sheet 2. convert marks to grades 3. apply different techniques There is a text file with input policy, how many to assign A grades, min limit, max limit, min %, max % and same for all other grades. A simple setting, a complex settings below. Done: 1. implemented grade_absolute() 2. implemented graph on excel spread sheet. 2. added git 02/10/2020: Problem: 1. shayan, muneeb algo: max marks (93->100%) make peecentiles outliers nikal dein (upper, lower) normal-distr rank apply k-means muneeb: tree of different tech... 7 Oct 2020: 10PM: Progress: I did some coding in python. I was trying to implement relative grading. Python skills were weak. So I will revise python in Sololearn app and code tomorrow IA. Thoughts: 0. Sort on excel sheet. X concept in softdev. I = No grade I want to apply these features. Now. 1. grades_relative(marks_list, rule) #marks the list with grades. 1. grades_relative( marks_list = [[20, 'I'], [35, 'I'], [80, 'I'], [50, 'I'], [30, 'I']], rule = [[5,'A+'], [5,'A'], [5,'A-'], [10,'B+'], [10,'B'], [10,'B-'], [10,'C+'], [10,'C'], [10,'C-'], [10,'D+'], [5,'D'], [5,'D-'], [5,'F']]) Later: 1. grades_kmeans(marks_list, rule) grades_kmeans(marks_list, clusters = 10, grades = [A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F]) Later On: Load grades, rule from excel sheet or txt file. #Reference Code: def sort_marks_column(filename): data = np.array([[5,2], [4,1], [3,6]]) data = data[data[:,0].argsort()] # sort on column 0 print('data:') print(data)