thinkingpanda / FFMetrics

Visualizes Video Quality Metrics (PSNR, SSIM & VMAF) calculated by ffmpeg.exe

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FFMetrics — yet another program for video Visual Quality Metrics visualization

FFMpeg can be used for calculating different visual quality metrics (PSNR, SSIM, VMAF). FFMetrics is a FFMpeg GUI that purpose is to visualize quality metrics calculated by FFMpeg. The program allows you to select files without dealing with command line, calculate & visualize PSNR, SSIM & VMAF quality metrics for all of them in one go.

Well, and build shiny interactive graphs of course:


  • PSNR, SSIM, VMAF visual quality metrics
  • Processing up to 12 files in one go
  • Easy to use UI: drag & drop files from Explorer onto Reference field and Files list or use file choosers
  • No limitations on frame size for PSNR/SSIM, Full HD/4K for VMAF
  • Frames graphs can be zoomed in/out with mouse wheel (try it over graph or axes), panned with right mouse button and saved as PNG
  • Frames metrics can be saved as tab-delimited csv files and then opened in Excel.
  • FFMpeg commands can be saved to log file (FFMetrics.log)
  • Average metrics can be appended to tab-delimited csv file (FFMetrics.Results.csv) with date/time and file name included
  • Proper VMAF model selected automatically based on reference media info, but can be changed using UI (4K videos require different model)
  • Only parts of video files could be analyzed
  • You can use the program supplying most options as command line parameters.

Latest version: 0.9.3 Beta


  • .NET Framework 4.7.2+. Program should notify if you need to install it. The framework is already included in Windows 10 1803 and above, but if you use earlier versions of Windows 10 or Windows 7/8, you will be asked to download and install it.
  • FFMpeg.exe. You need to download it from official web site (choose static build for simplicity).
  • VMAF metric require special FFMpeg's build. It is supported in stable version 4.3. In addition, VMAF model files must be in sub-folder "vmaf-models". Two the most common models are already included in archive. You can get other models from Netflix VMAF project

How to use

  • Unpack into a folder
  • Put FFMpeg.exe (and accompanied dll files if you use dynamic build) into the program folder or make it available through system %PATH%
  • Run the program
  • Use UI to add reference file and at least one processing file. You can drag & drop files from Explorer or use file choosers.
  • Click "Start" button

How to run with command line options

FFMetrics.exe [options] ref.mp4 file1.mp4 [file2.mp4] [file3.mp4] [...]

Accepted options

-log-frames                            Log frames' metrics in csv files
-log-frames-dir=C:\path\               Folder where frame's metrics will be stored
-log-commands                          Log ffmpeg commands
-run                                   Run calculation when program started
-save-results                          After calculation save results to log
-metric=PSNR|SSIM|VMAF                 Default: all
-project=C:\path\to\project.ffmproj    Read project options from specified file
-vmaf-model=filename.pkl               Default: vmaf_v0.6.1.pkl
-log-level=DEBUG|ERROR|INFO            Default: INFO


FFMetrics.exe \\server\path\to\ref.mp4 "c:\path\to\my file.mp4"
FFMetrics.exe -log-frames -metric=SSIM -metric=VMAF -run c:\to\ref.mp4 c:\to1\file1.avi c:\to2\file2.avs
FFMetrics.exe -project=c:\path\to\project.ffmproj -vmaf-pool=harmonic_mean -run


  • No MSE. No libvmaf's PSNR & SSIM (ffmpeg can calculate PSNR & SSIM in two different ways and values that you can get using different methods are not exactly the same)
  • You have to be careful and supply video files in the same colour range or with correct meta with the colour range. Otherwise ffmpeg.exe could make incorrect transformation and give you too low results (more details). I'm planning to improve the program to prevent/minimize this happen.





Visualizes Video Quality Metrics (PSNR, SSIM & VMAF) calculated by ffmpeg.exe