thijsvdanker / GeocoderLaravel

Geocoder service provider for Laravel 4 & 5

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Geocoder for Lavarel

If you still use Laravel 4, please check out the 0.4.x branch here.

Version 1.0.0 is a backwards-compatibility-breaking update. Please review this documentation, especially the Usage section before installing.

This package allows you to use Geocoder in Laravel 5.


  1. Install the package via composer:
composer require toin0u/geocoder-laravel

Once 1.0.0 is stable, we will update this command to reflect that. In the interest of getting it out and into your hands, a temporary RC build is best.

  1. Find the providers array key in config/app.php and register the Geocoder Service Provider:
// 'providers' => [
// ];


If you are upgrading from a pre-1.x version of this package, please keep the following things in mind:

  1. Update your composer.json file as follows:

    "toin0u/geocoder-laravel": "^1.0",
  2. Remove your config/geocoder.php configuration file. (If you need to customize it, follow the configuration instructions below.)

  3. Remove any Geocoder alias in the aliases section of your config/app.php. (This package auto-registers the aliases.)

  4. Update the service provider entry in your config/app.php to read:

  5. If you are using the facade in your code, you have two options:

    1. Replace the facades Geocoder:: (and remove the corresponding use statements) with app('geocoder')->.

    2. Update the use statements to the following:

      use use Geocoder\Laravel\Facades\Geocoder;
  6. Update your query statements to use ->get() (to retrieve a collection of GeoCoder objects) or ->all() (to retrieve an array of arrays), then iterate to process each result.


Pay special attention to the language and region values if you are using them. For example, the GoogleMaps provider uses TLDs for region values, and the following for language values:

Further, a special note on the GoogleMaps provider: if you are using an API key, you must also use set HTTPS to true. (Best is to leave it true always, unless there is a special requirement not to.)

See the Geocoder documentation for a list of available adapters and providers.

Default Settings

By default, the configuration specifies a Chain Provider as the first provider, containing GoogleMaps and FreeGeoIp providers. The first to return a result will be returned. After the Chain Provider, we have added the BingMaps provider for use in specific situations (providers contained in the Chain provider will be run by default, providers not in the Chain provider need to be called explicitly). The second GoogleMaps Provider outside of the Chain Provider is there just to illustrate this point (and is used by the PHPUnit tests).

return [
    'providers' => [
        Chain::class => [
            GoogleMaps::class => [
            FreeGeoIp::class  => [],
        BingMaps::class => [
        GoogleMaps::class => [
    'adapter'  => CurlHttpAdapter::class,


If you would like to make changes to the default configuration, publish and edit the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Geocoder\Laravel\GeocoderServiceProvider" --tag="config"


The service provider initializes the geocoder service, accessible via the facade Geocoder::... or the application helper app('geocoder')->....

Geocoding Addresses

Get Collection of Addresses

app('geocoder')->geocode('Los Angeles, CA')->get();

Get Array of Addresses

app('geocoder')->geocode('Los Angeles, CA')->all();



Dumping Results

app('geocoder')->geocode('Los Angeles, CA')->dump('kml');



If you are experiencing difficulties, please please open an issue on GitHub:

Contributor Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


GeocoderLaravel is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.


Geocoder service provider for Laravel 4 & 5

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%