thiesmoeller / ti_pylon_edgeai

Support for Basler USB and GigE cameras in the TI edge AI environment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Support for Basler USB and GigE cameras in the TI edge AI environment

1. Prerequisites

1.1. Mandatory

Processor SDK Linux for Edge AI (08.04.00) is verified to work

1.2. Recommended

  • FAN to cool the processor since it gets too hot
  • Visual Studio Code with Remote SSH extension

2. Installation

2.1. Setup SK-TDA4VM for edge_ai_apps

ssh root@tda4vm-sk
cd /opt/edge_ai_apps

2.2. Clone repository files to target platform

cd /opt
git clone

2.3. Install Pylon and Gstreamer

In order to use a Basler camera with the TI Jacquinto Platform you need to install Pylon first. Pylon is the framework to use Basler cameras. It can be used for developing applications in C/C#/C++ and Python or simply showing camera images using the "Pylonviewer" application. Pylon comes with a wide set of programming examples that demonstrate the API access. However, the TI edge AI demo applications are based on Gstreamer pipelines. In order to access pylon cameras using the GStreamer framework you also need to install Basler's Gstreamer Pylon Plugin to the target system.

[NOTE:] Due to a compatibility issue with stdlibc++ between TI target Linux and Pylon it is currently not possible to install official Pylon releases from the Basler website. You need to use the provided installer "ti_pylon_6.2.0.21487_aarch64_setup.tar" in order to install pylon to the target. You can choose between automated installation or operate the installation steps manually.

2.3.1. Install everything by using provided installer script

cd /opt/ti_pylon_edgeai

You can now skip over to Section 3:

2.3.2. Manual installation

cd /opt/ti_pylon_edgeai
mkdir -p tmp/pylon
tar xzf ti_*_aarch64_setup.tar.gz -C tmp
cd tmp 
tar xzf *tar.gz -C pylon
cp -r pylon /opt
chmod 755 /opt/pylon
cd ..
rm -r tmp Add support for pylon cameras to "edge_ai_apps" source files

cd /opt/ti_pylon_edgeai

# Install example configuration demo that uses pylon camera
cp pylon_demo.yaml /opt/edge_ai_apps/configs

# Apply some modifications to
patch /opt/edge_ai_apps/apps_python/ Install Basler's Gstreamer plugin for pylon cameras

The TI edge AI applications are based on Gstreamer pipelines. In order to access pylon cameras using the GStreamer framework you need to install Gstreamer Pylon Plugin to the target system.

Link to Github including documentation:

# Clone git repository "gst-plugin-pylon" 
cd /opt
git clone
cd gst-plugin-pylon

# Meson and ninja build system are required to build plugin
python3 -m pip install meson ninja --upgrade

# for pylon in default location
export PYLON_ROOT=/opt/pylon

# Configure project
meson builddir --prefix /usr/

# Build
ninja -C builddir

# Install
sudo ninja -C builddir install

# Finally, test for proper installation:
gst-inspect-1.0 pylonsrc

# Connect a Basler camera and use the following example pipeline to show video on HDMI output
gst-launch-1.0 pylonsrc ! "video/x-raw,width=1280,height=720,format=RGB" ! videoconvert ! kmssink

3. Run TI app_edge_ai Python example application with pylon camera

cd /opt/edge_ai_apps/apps_python
./ ../configs/pylon_demo.yaml

Note 1: Depending on the camera used, you may need to adjust camera parameters (width, height, framerate, pixel format) in pylon_demo.yaml

Note 2: In case you want to use multiple cameras, you need to provide the serial number of the camera to parameter "sens-id"

4. Use Pylonviewer GUI to configure camera and show raw images (optional)

Start shell on the HDMI connected wayland desktop, using a mouse and keyboard

cd /opt/pylon/bin
./pylonviewer -platform wayland

5. Reference documentation

6. Known bugs and limitations

  • Currently only the Python API of apps_edge_ai is supported
  • Due to a compatibility issue with stdlibc++ between TI target Linux and Pylon it is currently not possible to install official Pylon releases from the Basler website


Support for Basler USB and GigE cameras in the TI edge AI environment


Language:Shell 100.0%