thierrygosselin / sfsGBS

SFS with GBS data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Folded site frequency spectrum using imputed GBS maize data for Tim

Get data from PANZEA


Reformat the hmp.txt.gz data to plink format by chromosome with TASSEL:

for file in *.gz
        echo "$file: " $( -Xmx15g -fork1 -h $file -export -exportType Plink -runfork1)

Merge the plink files to make one file - as opposed to 10 chromosomal files:

plink --file AmesUSInbreds_AllZeaGBSv1.0_imputed_20130508_chr10.plk --merge-list allfiles.txt --recode --out pedmapmerged

Reformat plink to vcf 4.1 because TASSEL's vcf is vcf 4.0 or something weird and screws things up.

plink --file pedmapmerged --make-bed --out GBSv_1
plink --bfile GBSv_1 --recode vcf --out GBSv_1

Use vcftools (can use plink too) to calculate allele frequency counts (note this is my absolute path from home dir)

~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --gzvcf GBSv_1.vcf.gz --freq --out all_chr_GBS_SFS_analysis

Append .txt to the all_chr_GBS_SFS_analysis.frq file and rename column headers in vi.

Reformat data further with R and plot, see 'sfs.R' Note - this is the FOLDED sfs with GBS data. I don't think there's any Tripsacum included here. May need to double check that.


SFS with GBS data


Language:R 59.5%Language:Shell 40.5%