thibaudbrault / PokeRef

📚🎮 A pokémon encyclopedia built using Next, Typescript, Scss modules and PokéApi

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PokéRef is a Pokémon encyclopedia built with Next JS, Typescript and Styled-Components and uses data from PokéAPI and Smogon

You'll find a ton of information on every pokémon, moves, abilities, items and a lot more

Leave a 🌟 if you like my project 👍

Table of contents
  1. Roadmap
  2. Setup
  3. Description
  4. Technologies
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. License



A page for every pokémon / move / ability / type / item and more
✅Filter pokémon by name / form / generation
Filter moves / abilities / machines by name
Fuzzy search for pokémon / moves / abilities and items pages
Change certain data according to the game selected
✅Pokémon cries (up to pokémon n° 721)
Competitive information for every pokémon with data from Smogon
List of every pokémon cards for every pokémon
Dark and light mode
404 page

🛠Check how the login with a provider works
🛠Second type select in the list of pokémon in a type page

🔜Contest section in a move's page

Performance improvements

Use of Next SSR for dynamic pages
Use of React-Query to fetch data only once by using cacheTime: Infinity and staleTime: Infinity. The data will very rarely change so there is no use in re-fetching it every x minutes / hours
Use of Next JS next/image to optimize images. Very important for this app because some pages (like the index.js or the items.js) have a lot of images and they are one of the main problems regarding my performances so optimizing them to make the loading faster is very important
Use of dynamic import (the Next JS equivalent of lazy loading component from ES2020) to load components when they are needed by the users. This means that if a user never interacts with a component that is dynamically imported, it will never be loaded
✅Turned into a PWA with the next-pwa package
✅Paginated pokedex, moves, abilities and items pages


Clone the repo

git clone

Install the dependencies

npm install

Start the server

npm run dev

Enjoy 😃


Main goal

My main goal for this site was to get better at React JS and to learn how to use an API and to use Styled-Components.
I chose to use PokéAPI because there are a lot of tutorials to start from, the documentation is very clear and easy to use and there is a ton of information so I could make a bigger site with multiple pages.

Story of this project

  • Started by using vanilla JS + Sass to learn how to fetch data from an API in vanilla JS
  • Quickly moved to React JS + Sass to learn React by working on a big project
  • Moved to React JS + Styled-Components to learn a new way to write CSS. It was a good move for me because I really like Styled-Components because it has the advantages of Sass, is easily importable / exportable between files and supports theming.
  • Added React-Query to fetch data. It's a great library that makes it easy to manage caching, fetching, loading and error handling for every data fetch.
  • Finally moved to Next JS (instead of CRA) + Styled-Components to learn to use Next JS. I chose to use Next JS to benefit from the image optimization given by the component because the app has a lot of images to render and every optimization is welcome. I also chose it to benefit from the Static-Site generation.
  • Upgraded to Next 13. There were some problems that made the transition to using the app folder instead of the pages one not possible, but I benefited from the changes to the component (it no longer creates spans) and the component (it no longer need to have an anchor tag inside).
  • Added React-Table and converted all my tables to benefit from virtualization, sorting and filtering for every column making it easier to find the desired information.
  • Added Firebase for authentication and saving a user's caught pokémon with data stored in Firestore.

Problems encountered (ordered from the oldest to the most recent)

  • Learning to fetch data from an API and use this data. That was the first time that I've used an API and at first I had problems to understand how the fetch API worked and how to use and display the data returned.
  • Moving to Styled-Components. Not a big problem because it uses nesting like Sass so I didn't have to modify a lot of CSS, but I had to learn how to create global styles and how to create themes and switch between them.
  • Implementing an infinite scroll (now removed) in React with react-infinite-scroll-component. I had problems with creating the function that fetches more data and the function that says when there are more elements to return. Maybe I'll try to implement it with React-Query but it's currently not a priority.
  • Tried to virtualize the moves, abilities and items pages' lists. I tried to implement it by using react-virtualized and react-virtuoso, but I had a few problems (the main one being that it did not take into account the sorting of the list and returned the list without it).
  • Implementing React-Query. I had to learn how to modify my custom hooks to make it work with React-Query and how to import the data from the hooks. It took me some time to make the transition works, but I don't regret it because my code is more readable (mainly the part where I import my hooks, but also the way I handle the loading state to return an animation while the data is being fetched) and it's an easy way to cache data.
  • Moving from CRA to Next. The main problem I had was learning to use dynamic routing and when I understood it the migration became easier. It still took me some time because I had to move all my files in other folders, change the paths in imports, implement the component along with a width and height, correct some problems with the images (the creation of multiple spans wrapping the image that was solved by using next/future/image before moving to Next 13) and a few other problems with the component (the fact that it can't have multiple children, that it needs to have a 'href' instead of the 'to' used in react-router to give the path and that you need to put an anchor tag inside the Link and use passHref).
  • Converting all the files to Typescript and declare all the types.


  • Pokémon : basic data, evolution line, moves that he can learn, ...
  • Moves : basic data, effect, pokémon that can learn it, ...
  • Abilities : effect, pokémon with this ability (normal or hidden), ...
  • Types : effectiveness against other types, pokémon with this type, ...
  • Items : effect, flinch power, ...
  • Machines : list of TM and HM for every game
  • Locations : every place and the pokémon that can be encountered
  • And much more



A huge thanks to everyone that helped me by answering to my questions on Stack Overflow and Reddit.
A big thanks also to the PokeAPI team for creating such a huge, detailed and very well organized API.




Tanstack React-Query
Tanstack React-Table
React Hook Form
React Select
React Paginate
Next PWA

TS Types





📚🎮 A pokémon encyclopedia built using Next, Typescript, Scss modules and PokéApi

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 85.0%Language:SCSS 14.8%Language:JavaScript 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%