thgngu / pytorch-cheatsheet

Pytorch Cheatsheet

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New in Pytorch v0.4.0

  • Tensors and Variable have merged
  • Deprecation of volatile

More information here:


A cheatsheet to cover the most commonly used aspects of PyTorch!

Pytorch Documentation:

Pytorch Forums:

Tensor Types and Operations

Commonly used types of tensors





Common pytorch functions
torch.sum(x, dim=<dim>)
torch.div(x, y)

and many others: neg(), reciprocal(), pow(), sin(), tanh(), sqrt(), sign()

Convert numpy array to pytorch tensor

b = torch.from_numpy(a)

The above keeps the original dtype of the data (e.g. float64 becomes torch.DoubleTensor). To override this you can do the following (to cast it to a torch.FloatTensor):

b = torch.FloatTensor(a)

Moving data from CPU to GPU

data = data.cuda()

Pytorch Variable

The pytorch torch.autograd.Variable has a "data" tensor under it:

Moving data from GPU to CPU

data = data.cpu()

Convert tensor to numpy array

data_arr = data_tensor.numpy()

Moving a Variable to CPU and converting to numpy array

data =

Viewing the size of a tensor


Add a dimenstion to a torch tensor


Reshaping tensors

The equivalent of numpy's reshape() in torch is view()


a = torch.range(1, 16)
a = a.view(4, 4)        # reshapes from 1 x 16 to 4 x 4

<tensor>.view(-1) vectorizes a tensor.

Operations between Pytorch Variables and Numpy variables

The Numpy variables have to be first converted to torch.Tensor and then converted to pytorch torch.autograd.Variable. An example is shown below.

matrix_tensor = torch.Tensor(matrix_numpy)
# Use cuda() if everything will be calculated on GPU
matrix_pytorch_variable_cuda_from_numpy = torch.autograd.Variable(matrix_tensor, requires_grad=False).cuda()
loss = F.mse_loss(matrix_pytorch_variable_cuda, matrix_pytorch_variable_cuda_from_numpy)
Batch matrix operations
# Batch matrix multiply
torch.btorch.bmm(batch1, batch2, out=None)
Transpose a tensor

Transpose axis1 and axis2 <tensor>.transpose(axis1, axis2)

Outer product

Outer product between two vectors vec1 and vec2

output = vec1.unsqueeze(2)*vec2.unsqueeze(1)
output = output.view(output.size(0),-1)

Running on multiple GPUs

Multiple GPUs/CPUs for training

Instantiate the model first and then call DataParallel. todo: Add a way to specify the number of GPUs.

model = Net()

model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model)

For specifying the GPU devices: model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=[0,1,2,3]).cuda()

Pytorch 0.2.0 supports distributed data parallelism, i.e. training over multiple nodes (CPUs and GPUs)

Setting the GPUs

Usage of the torch.cuda.set_device(gpu_idx) is discouraged in favor of device(). In most cases it’s better to use the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environmental variable.

Datasets and Data Loaders

Creating a dataset and enumerating over it

Inherit from and overload __getitem__() and __len()__


class FooDataset(
  def __init__(self, root_dir):
  def __getitem__(self, idx):
    return {'data': batch_data, 'label': batch_label}
  def __len__(self):
    return <length of dataset>

To loop over a datasets batches:

foo_dataset = FooDataset(root_dir)
data_loader =, batch_size=<batch_size>, shuffle=True)

for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(data_loader):
  data = batch['data']
  label = batch['label']
  if args.cuda:
    data, label = data.cuda(), label.cuda()
  data = Variable(data)
  label = Variable(label)

Setting Torch Random Seed

Use torch.manual_seed(seed) in addition to np.random.seed(seed) to make training deterministic. I believe in the future torch will use the numpy seed so they won't be separate anymore.

Convolutional Layers

Conv2d layer

torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, (kernel_w, kernel_h), stride=(x,y), padding=(x,y), bias=False, dilation=<d>)

Transpose Conv2d layer ('Deconvolution layer')

torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels, out_channels, (kernel_w, kernel_h), stride=(x,y), padding=(x,y), output_padding=(x,y), bias=False, dilation=<d>)

Model Inference

Volatile at inference time

Don't forget to set the input to the graph/net to volatile=True. Even if you do model.eval(), if the input data is not set to volatile then memory will be used up to compute the gradients. model.eval() sets batchnorm and dropout to inference/test mode, insteasd of training mode which is the default when the model is instantiated. If at least one torch Variable is not volatile in the graph (including the input variable being fed into the network graph), it will cause gradients to be computed in the graph even if model.eval() was called. This will take up extra memory.

Important: volatile has been deprecated as of v0.4.0. Now it has been replaced with requires_grad (attribute of Tensor), torch.no_grad(), torch.set_grad_enabled(grad_mode). See information here:


data = Variable(data, volatile=True)

output = model(data)

Deploying/Serving Pytorch to Production Using TensorRT

[copied from here]

Using NVIDIA TensorRT. NVIDIA TensorRT is a C++ library that facilitates high performance inference on NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPUs). TensorRT takes a network definition and optimizes it by merging tensors and layers, transforming weights, choosing efficient intermediate data formats, and selecting from a large kernel catalog based on layer parameters and measured performance.

TensorRT consists of import methods to help you express your trained deep learning model for TensorRT to optimize and run. It is an optimization tool that applies graph optimization and layer fusion and finds the fastest implementation of that model leveraging a diverse collection of highly optimized kernels, and a runtime that you can use to execute this network in an inference context.

TensorRT includes an infrastructure that allows you to leverage high speed reduced precision capabilities of Pascal GPUs as an optional optimization.

For installation and setup, see link above. I would recommend following the tar installation. I found an error with cuda.h not being found so had to make sure my cuda version was properly setup and upgraded to cuda-9.0. The tar installation should lead you through installing pycuda, tensorRT and UFF.

A summary of the steps I did to get this work was:

  • Install pycuda first: pip install 'pycuda>=2017.1.1' (had problems with pycuda installation. couldnt find cuda.h - so installed cuda-9.0 and updated PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in ~/.bashrc and sourced.
  • Downloaded tensorRT tar and followed instructions to install (e.g. pip install tensorRT/python/<path-to-wheel>.whl and pip install tensorRT/uff/<path-to-wheel>.whl).
  • To verify I made sure I could do the following (of course you have to install tensorflow - see below):
    import tensorflow
    import uff 
    import tensorrt as trr

This worked with tensorRT v4.0.0.3, cuda-9.0, tensorflow version: 1.4.1, pytorch version: 0.3.0.post4. Pytorch was needed for the example below of converting a pytorch model to run on an tensorRT engine.

Once installed you have to also install tensorflow. For tensorflow-gpu with cuda8 use (tensorflow version 1.5 uses cuda 9.0): pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.4.1 else just use pip install tensorflow-gpu for the latest version.

Example of doing this for Pytorch and tensorRT 3.0 (this also worked for my tensorRT version of 4.0):

Portability to Other Frameworks

Pytorch now (as of v0.3.0) supports exporting models to other frameworks starting with Caffe2AI and MSCNTK. So now models can be deployed/served!

Saving/Loading Pytorch Models

For the sake of resuming training Pytorch allows saving and loading the models via two means - see Beware that load/save pytorch models breaks down if the directory structure or class definitions change so when its time to deploy the model (and by this I mean running it purely from python on another machine for example) the model class has to be added to the python path in order for the class to be instantiated. It's actually very weird. If you save a model, change the directory structure (e.g. put the model in a subfolder) and try to load the model - it will not load. It will complain that it cannot find the class definition. The work around would be to add the class definition to your python path. This is written as a note on the Pytorch documentation page See example here:

Save the models weights and define the model architecture in the code. You can then load the weights into the new model state dict.

Save, "./")


model = Model() # the model should be defined with the same code you used to create the trained model
state_dict = torch.load( "./")

[taken from]

Loss Functions

A list of all the ready-made losses is here:

In Pytorch you can write any loss you want as long as you stick to using Pytorch Variables (without any .data unpacking or numpy conversions) and torch functions. The loss will not backprop (when using loss.backward()) if you use numpy data structures.

Training an RNN with features from a CNN

Use torch.stack(feature_seq, dim=1) to stack all the features from the CNNs into a sequence. Then feed this into the RNN. Remember you can specify the batch size as the first dimension of the input tensor but you have to set the batch_first=True argument when instantiating the RNN (by default it is set to False).


 self.rnn1 = torch.nn.GRU(input_size=input_size, hidden_size=hidden_size, num_layers=2, batch_first=True)


Pytorch Cheatsheet