thezelus / dogTracker

A web application to visualize (near real-time) simulated motion of trackers implanted in dog collars

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A web application to visualize (near real-time) simulated motion of trackers implanted in dog collars (and get my feet wet with Spring).

###Installation instructions###

  • Clone the repo git clone
  • In the project directory run mvn -U clean install
  • Under /trackingServer/target and /viewServer/target corresponding war files can be found
  • Deploy those files in tomcat webapps directory to run the project
  • Properties files can be found in expanded war directories under classpath directory

(An alternative way is to directly download release files from releases page and then follow last two steps of installation instructions.)

Default (/webapps/trackingServer/WEB-INF/classes)

xLower = 10
xUpper = 780
yLower = 10
yUpper = 580
rfidCount = 100
dataUpdatePeriod = 2000


  • (xLower, xUpper), (yLower, yUpper) define the range of x and y values for a position
  • rfidCount defines number of trackers to be generated for simulation
  • dataUpdatePeriod defines the time interval in millisecond for the change in data values to simulate motion

Default (/webapps/viewServer/WEB-INF/classes)


Where outboundRequestIntervalInMilliseconds defines the time interval between the request sent out to trackingServer for fresh data.

###API Documentation###

Tracking server API has following end points

Note: All GET calls to this API require Accept header with value application/json. This can be easily accomplished using some REST client like Postman


Returns server status (both for trackingServer and viewServer)

  • Method: GET

  • URL: /status

  • Header: Accept with value application/json

  • Response: JSON array of id values

    "status": "Server is running",
    "current": "2015-02-10T03:27:26.656Z"

####Get Ids####

Returns all the ids for the trackers that are present in the datasource in a JSON response format

  • Method: GET

  • URL: /data/ids

  • Header: Accept with value application/json

  • Response: JSON array of id values


####Get tracker data for id####

Returns data associated with the given tracker id in a JSON format, otherwise returns error response

  • Method: GET

  • URL: /data/id/{id}

  • Header: Accept with value application/json

  • Response:

---> For valid id:

    "id": "id2",
    "xCoordinate": 500,
    "yCoordinate": 79,
    "heartRate": 135,
    "bodyTemperatureInFahrenheit": 98.69133

---> For invalid id (that might have been removed): Response status is 410 Gone

    "code": "INVALID_KEY_VALUE",
    "message": "Value associated with this key is null",
    "description": ""

###View Server Canvas###

View server has a dashboard that can be used to visualize the simulated motion of trackers. This can be found at /viewServer/canvas

The data on this view updates every 2500 millisecond

Screenshots of this page can be seen below -



###Design Decisions (for current release)###

  • XML based deployment descriptors for supporting older versions of Servlet
  • Configurable properties for web apps (trackingServer & viewServer) can be found in classpath after the war files are deployed (/webapps/trackingServer/WEB-INF/classes)
  • Custom error responses when key is absent to differentiate between when key is absent and when the remote server is down
  • Fault tolerance ( data in the viewServer is preserved in its last state if for some reason trackingServer goes down
  • In-memory data source is being used to minimize dependencies
  • View server uses /liveData end point to get latest JSON array, this will help with future implementations for other clients or API extension


  • RFId tracker receives coordinates in form of (x,y) where (0,0) is the top left corner of the canvas
  • Default range for body temperature and heart rate are assumed
  • To simulate motion and change in vitals, data is modified internally (in the trackingServer) using a separate thread
  • Data simulation generates random x-y coordinates and vitals within the given range
  • Data in client’s browser updates every 2500 milliseconds
  • Canvas default size is 800px x 600px

###Todo list###

  • Refactor, add more tests (both unit and integration) - top priority
  • Use Redis as an in-memory data store
  • Use Protocol buffers for model generation
  • Re-engineer frontend to make it more responsive
  • Increase familiarity with Spring annotations
  • Replace random motion model with pedestrian simulation model for generation of simulation data

###High level application architecture### Architecture

Note - Current release is no where close to the quality of code that I want, this project is a learning exercise about how to setup and use spring and hence needs heavy refactoring.


A web application to visualize (near real-time) simulated motion of trackers implanted in dog collars

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%