thezelus / RemoteControl

Transmitting key codes over HTTP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


RemoteControl is a tiny Python 3.6 Flask app that can transmit key code instructions to operating system from a web interface. Currently it only supports OSX and uses a Python wrapper for NSAppleScript to communicate with the operating system.

It has a very basic UI with controls for left, right, space, and volume.

Primarily usage is for controlling video playback (forward, rewind, pause/play) in full screen mode on YouTube or VLC or other media players.


Simple REST API based architecture with query params. Serves HTML page on root


Full screen Upper view Lower view
Full screen view Base controls Base controls


  • Clone the repository

  • Install requirements from requirements.txt

  • Run it using this command

gunicorn -b -w 4 app:app
  • Visit the IP address of your machine in a browser on a remote machine and you should be able to access the UI

Future features

  • Basic Auth
  • Support for Windows
  • Support for Linux
  • Additional key codes
  • Redesign UI
  • Package as a single executable


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.



P.S. - This project was implemented in few minutes on Christmas Eve 2018, code quality is not representative of production code and requires significant improvements


Transmitting key codes over HTTP


Language:HTML 70.8%Language:Python 29.2%