theyagar / mysamples

Ruby Sample Programs to use freshdesk api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ruby Sample Programs to use freshdesk api with RestClient


Sample programs for the fun of it.

  1. Create ticket api with cc_emails,custom_fields attribute
  2. Create ticket with attachments
  3. Create user basic
  4. Create user along with avatar image.
  5. Create user using(Net::Http)
  6. Update user.
  7. Update user with company details.
  8. Update ticket custom fields.
  9. Delete ticket
  10. Fetch contacts by query string.
  11. View ticket.
  12. View contact.
  13. Restore ticket.
  14. Assign ticket.
  15. delete user.
  16. rate a ticket response(survey rating)
  17. view survey result for the ticket.
  18. create customer
  19. update customer
  20. view customer
  21. delete customer


Freshdesk API's use the Basic Access Authentication. Refer:

So incase if you get "error":"access denied", its possible that you are not using the basic access authentication method ie., check the request Header "Authorization" is passed with Base64 encoded string of "username:password" or "apiKey:X" [Here X is just a dummy char, you can pass anything instead]

eg: ruby: request.basic_auth("","test")


request.setHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64.encodeBase64String("username:password".getBytes())); //Note the blankspace after "Basic".


The api's used are in reference from the site. Its possible the samples has errors. I will try to keep it up to date as much as possible.


Ruby Sample Programs to use freshdesk api