thewonderidiot / cmod_agc

Gate-level AGC simulation + AGC monitor in a single Cmod A7-35T

Repository from Github https://github.comthewonderidiot/cmod_agcRepository from Github https://github.comthewonderidiot/cmod_agc


This repository combines agc_monitor and agc_simulation into a single FPGA project, targeted at the small and relatively-cheap Cmod A7-35T. It is intended to greatly simplify the process of putting a Monitor-capable hardware AGC simulation into a project.

Due to BRAM limitations, some concessions had to be made. Queues are generally shorter all around (although this doesn't appear to have caused any problems that I've found, yet); instruction trace history is much shorter; and at most only three rope modules can be installed in the AGC itself. Aurora 88 is included and configured to serve this role. It is expected that other programs will be injected via the CRS capability of the Monitor.


Gate-level AGC simulation + AGC monitor in a single Cmod A7-35T

License:MIT License


Language:Verilog 53.3%Language:Python 42.8%Language:Tcl 3.9%