thevickypedia / Jarvis_UI

Light weight UI to interact with Jarvis via API calls

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comthevickypedia/Jarvis_UIRepository from Github https://github.comthevickypedia/Jarvis_UI





Jarvis UI

Connects to Jarvis running in the backend to process request and response via API calls.

Kick off


python -m pip install jarvis-ui


import jarvis_ui

if __name__ == '__main__':

Environment Variables

Env vars are loaded from a .env file and validated using pydantic

To use custom .env files

To use a custom .env file, set the filename to the env var env_file before importing jarvis_ui module.

import os
os.environ['env_file'] = "jarvis_ui.env"

import jarvis_ui

if __name__ == '__main__':


  • TOKEN: Authentication token.


  • SERVER_URL: URL for the API server.
  • SERVER_HOST: Hostname of the API server.
  • SERVER_IP: IP address of the API server.
  • SERVER_PORT: Port numbmer of the API server.

server_url is mandatory, however it can be skipped and constructed during run-time with a combination of server_host [OR] server_ip [AND] server_port


  • HEART_BEAT: Defaults to None - Interval in seconds to trigger background healthcheck on the server with automatic restart
  • DEBUG: Defaults to False - Enable debug level logging

  • SPEECH_TIMEOUT: Defaults to 0 for macOS, 10 for Windows - Timeout for speech synthesis

  • NATIVE_AUDIO: Defaults to False - If set to True, the response is generated in the server's default voice
  • WAKE_WORDS: Defaults to jarvis (Defaults to alexa in macOS older than 10.14) - Wake words to initiate Jarvis
  • SENSITIVITY: Defaults to 0.5 - Sensitivity of wake word detection

  • MICROPHONE_INDEX: Defaults to None - Use to get the index values
  • VOICE_NAME: Defaults to the author's favorite per the OS. Name of the voice supported by the OperatingSystem
  • VOICE_RATE: Defaults to the value in py3-tts module - Speed/rate at which the text should be spoken
  • VOICE_PITCH: Defaults to the value in py3-tts module - Currently available only for Linux OS
  • VOLUME: Default volume for the UI.

  • LISTENER_TIMEOUT: Defaults to 2 - Timeout for listener once wake word is detected - Awaits for a speech to begin until this limit
  • LISTENER_PHRASE_LIMIT: Defaults to 5 - Timeout for phrase once listener is activated - Listener will be deactivated after this limit
  • RECOGNIZER_SETTINGS: JSON object of customized speech recognition settings.
Custom settings for speech recognition

The default values for RECOGNIZER_SETTINGS are customized according to the author's voice pitch. Please use to figure out the suitable values in a trial and error method.

Sample settings (formatted as JSON object)

RECOGNIZER_SETTINGS: '{"energy_threshold": 1100, "dynamic_energy_threshold": false, "pause_threshold": 1, "phrase_threshold": 0.1}'


  • energy_threshold: Minimum audio energy to consider for recording. Greater the value, louder the voice should be.
  • dynamic_energy_threshold: Change considerable audio energy_threshold dynamically.
  • pause_threshold: Seconds of non-speaking audio before a phrase is considered complete.
  • phrase_threshold: Minimum seconds of speaking audio before it can be considered a phrase - values below this are ignored. This helps to filter out clicks and pops.
  • non_speaking_duration: Seconds of non-speaking audio to keep on both sides of the recording.

💡   Refer Jarvis' README for more information on setting up the backend server.

Coding Standards

Docstring format: Google
Styling conventions: PEP 8
Clean code with pre-commit hooks: flake8 and isort


python -m pip install gitverse


gitverse-release reverse -f release_notes.rst -t 'Release Notes'


PreCommit will ensure linting, and the doc creation are run on every commit.


python -m pip install sphinx==5.1.1 pre-commit recommonmark


pre-commit run --all-files

Pypi Package




License & copyright

© Vignesh Rao

Licensed under the MIT License


Light weight UI to interact with Jarvis via API calls

License:MIT License


Language:Python 84.2%Language:Shell 13.3%Language:Batchfile 1.3%Language:Makefile 1.1%