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oscar falemara

Welcome to my portfolio.

I'm a 17 year old, self-taught, full-stack web developer with over 2 years of experience. I code in Typescript and use Node.js, express.js, tRPC, SvelteKit, Tailwind, Python, Django, Rust, Next.js and more. Along with web, I am learning systems engineering, machine learning and DevOps.

I am currently open to contributing to a project or joining a team part time (I still go to school) as a web developer or systems engineer (anything really). I am also open to freelance work. Contact me to request my resume.

Contact me




Promess is a project management software with focus on SaaS businesses. Promess brings together all your project management needs into one dashboard: tasks, files, chat, calendar, analytics, revenue, metrics and more.


  • SvelteKit
  • tRPC
  • TailwindCSS
  • Prisma
  • Planetscale
  • Typescript

Live URL

Source Code

Artificial Neural Network Implementation


This is the an implementation of an artificial neural network in Rust (originally in TypeScript). Using calculus and linear algebra, I coded up a simple neural network from scratch. It’s not the most performant, but it taught me about the mathematical principals that go into create a neural network.

I wrote an article about this project here


  • Rust
  • Typescript

Source Code


My primary programming language is Typescript but I am also proficient in:

  • Python
  • Rust
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

I am primarily a back-end web developer (Node.JS, express.js, tRPC, Django) but I have many other skills:

  • UI/UX Design (Figma)
  • Front-end web development (SvelteKit, TailwindCSS, Astro)
  • DevOps (Google Cloud Platform, Docker, Watchtower, GitHub actions, Railway)
  • Database Administration (Planetscale, MongoDB, Redis, Prisma)
  • Systems Engineering (Rust, Assembly)
  • General technical skills (Git, GitHub, VS Code, Bash Scripting, Linux)
  • Business management (Copywriting, Marketing, Operations, Finance, Customer Service)



Language:Astro 82.8%Language:JavaScript 11.9%Language:CSS 5.3%