theramjad / bytescale-javascript-sdk

Official Bytescale JavaScript SDK

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Use the Bytescale JavaScript SDK to upload, transform, and serve files at scale.

Full SDK DocumentationUpload WidgetMedia Processing APIsStorageCDN

Bytescale JavaScript SDK Example


For Node.js:

npm install @bytescale/sdk node-fetch

For Browsers:

npm install @bytescale/sdk

If you'd prefer to use a script tag:

<script src=""></script>

Uploading Files — Try on CodePen

This library is isomorphic, meaning you can upload files from Node.js, or the browser, or both.

From Node.js:

import * as Bytescale from "@bytescale/sdk";
import nodeFetch from "node-fetch";

const uploadManager = new Bytescale.UploadManager({
  fetchApi: nodeFetch, // import nodeFetch from "node-fetch"; // Only required for Node.js. TypeScript: 'nodeFetch as any' may be necessary.
  apiKey: "free" // Get API keys from:

    // Supported types:
    // - String
    // - Blob
    // - ArrayBuffer
    // - Buffer
    // - ReadableStream (Node.js), e.g. fs.createReadStream("file.txt")
    data: "Hello World",

    // ---------
    // Optional:
    // ---------

    // Required if 'data' is a stream.
    // size: 5098, // e.g. fs.statSync("file.txt").size

    // Required if 'data' is a stream, buffer, or string.
    mime: "text/plain",

    // Required if 'data' is a stream, buffer, or string.
    originalFileName: "my_file.txt"

    // Reports progress: bytesTotal, bytesSent, progress.
    // onProgress: ({ progress }) => console.log(progress),

    // Controls multipart upload concurrency. Ignored if 'data' is a stream.
    // maxConcurrentUploadParts: 4,

    // Up to 2KB of arbitrary JSON.
    // metadata: {
    //   productId: 60891
    // },

    // Up to 25 tags per file.
    // tags: [
    //   "example_tag"
    // ],

    // About file paths:
    // - Your API key's "file upload path" is used by default, and can be changed by editing the API key's settings.
    // - You can override the API key's file upload path by specifying a path below.
    // - You may use path variables (e.g. "{UTC_DAY}"): http://localhost:3201/docs/path-variables
    // path: {
    //   folderPath: "/uploads/{UTC_YEAR}/{UTC_MONTH}/{UTC_DAY}",
    // },

    // Set to 'isCancelled = true' after invoking 'upload' to cancel the upload.
    // cancellationToken: {
    //   isCancelled: false
    // }
    ({ fileUrl, filePath }) => {
      // --------------------------------------------
      // File successfully uploaded!
      // --------------------------------------------
      // The 'filePath' uniquely identifies the file,
      // and is what you should save to your DB.
      // --------------------------------------------
      console.log(`File uploaded to: ${fileUrl}`);
    error => console.error(`Error: ${error.message}`, error)

From the Browser:

    <script src=""></script>
      // import * as Bytescale from "@bytescale/sdk"
      const uploadManager = new Bytescale.UploadManager({
        apiKey: "free" // Get API keys from:

      const onFileSelected = async event => {
        const file =[0];

        try {
          const { fileUrl, filePath } = await uploadManager.upload({
            // Supported types:
            // - String
            // - Blob
            // - ArrayBuffer
            // - File (i.e. from a DOM file input element)
            data: file

            // ---------
            // Optional:
            // ---------

            // Required if 'data' is a stream. Node.js only. (Not required when uploading files from the browser.)
            // size: 5098, // e.g. fs.statSync("file.txt").size

            // Required if 'data' is a stream, buffer, or string. (Not required for DOM file inputs or blobs.)
            // mime: "application/octet-stream",

            // Required if 'data' is a stream, buffer, or string. (Not required for DOM file inputs or blobs.)
            // originalFileName: "my_file.txt",

            // Reports progress: bytesTotal, bytesSent, progress.
            // onProgress: ({ progress }) => console.log(progress),

            // Controls multipart upload concurrency. Ignored if 'data' is a stream.
            // maxConcurrentUploadParts: 4,

            // Up to 2KB of arbitrary JSON.
            // metadata: {
            //   productId: 60891
            // },

            // Up to 25 tags per file.
            // tags: [
            //   "example_tag"
            // ],

            // About file paths:
            // - Your API key's "file upload path" is used by default, and can be changed by editing the API key's settings.
            // - You can override the API key's file upload path by specifying a path below.
            // - You may use path variables (e.g. "{UTC_DAY}"): http://localhost:3201/docs/path-variables
            // path: {
            //   folderPath: "/uploads/{UTC_YEAR}/{UTC_MONTH}/{UTC_DAY}",
            // },

            // Set to 'isCancelled = true' after invoking 'upload' to cancel the upload.
            // cancellationToken: {
            //   isCancelled: false
            // }

          // --------------------------------------------
          // File successfully uploaded!
          // --------------------------------------------
          // The 'filePath' uniquely identifies the file,
          // and is what you should save to your API.
          // --------------------------------------------
          alert(`File uploaded:\n${fileUrl}`);
        } catch (e) {
    <input type="file" onchange="onFileSelected(event)" />

Downloading Files

import * as Bytescale from "@bytescale/sdk";
import nodeFetch from "node-fetch"; // Only required for Node.js

const fileApi = new Bytescale.FileApi({
  fetchApi: nodeFetch, // import nodeFetch from "node-fetch"; // Only required for Node.js. TypeScript: 'nodeFetch as any' may be necessary.
  apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY" // e.g. "secret_xxxxx"

    accountId: "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID", // e.g. "W142hJk"
    filePath: "/uploads/2022/12/25/hello_world.txt"
  .then(response => response.text()) // .text() | .json() | .blob() | .stream()
    fileContents => console.log(fileContents),
    error => console.error(error)

Use the UrlBuilder to get a URL instead (if you need a file URL instead of a binary stream).

Processing Files

import * as Bytescale from "@bytescale/sdk";
import fetch from "node-fetch"; // Only required for Node.js
import fs from "fs";

const fileApi = new Bytescale.FileApi({
  fetchApi: nodeFetch, // import nodeFetch from "node-fetch"; // Only required for Node.js. TypeScript: 'nodeFetch as any' may be necessary.
  apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY" // e.g. "secret_xxxxx"

    accountId: "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID", // e.g. "W142hJk"
    filePath: "/uploads/2022/12/25/image.jpg",

    // See:
    transformation: "image",
    transformationParams: {
      w: 800,
      h: 600
  .then(response => // .text() | .json() | .blob() | .stream()
    imageByteStream =>
      new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const writer = fs.createWriteStream("image-thumbnail.jpg");
        writer.on("close", resolve);
        writer.on("error", reject);
    () => console.log("Thumbnail saved to 'image-thumbnail.jpg'"),
    error => console.error(error)

Use the UrlBuilder to get a URL instead (if you need a file URL instead of a binary stream).

Get File Details

import * as Bytescale from "@bytescale/sdk";
import fetch from "node-fetch"; // Only required for Node.js

const fileApi = new Bytescale.FileApi({
  fetchApi: nodeFetch, // import nodeFetch from "node-fetch"; // Only required for Node.js. TypeScript: 'nodeFetch as any' may be necessary.
  apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY" // e.g. "secret_xxxxx"

    accountId: "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID", // e.g. "W142hJk"
    filePath: "/uploads/2022/12/25/image.jpg"
    fileDetails => console.log(fileDetails),
    error => console.error(error)

Listing Folders

import * as Bytescale from "@bytescale/sdk";
import fetch from "node-fetch"; // Only required for Node.js

const folderApi = new Bytescale.FolderApi({
  fetchApi: nodeFetch, // import nodeFetch from "node-fetch"; // Only required for Node.js. TypeScript: 'nodeFetch as any' may be necessary.
  apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY" // e.g. "secret_xxxxx"

    accountId: "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID", // e.g. "W142hJk"
    folderPath: "/",
    recursive: false
    // Note: operation is paginated, see 'result.cursor' and 'params.cursor'.
    result => console.log(`Items in folder: ${result.items.length}`),
    error => console.error(error)

📙 Bytescale SDK API Reference

For a complete list of operations, please see:

Bytescale JavaScript SDK Docs »

🌐 Media Processing APIs (Image/Video/Audio)

Bytescale provides several real-time Media Processing APIs:

Image Processing API (Original Image)

Here's an example using a photo of Chicago:

Image Processing API (Transformed Image)

Using the Image Processing API, you can produce this image:


The Bytescale JavaScript SDK supports two types of authorization:

API Keys

The Bytescale JavaScript SDK automatically adds the apiKey from the constructor to the Authorization header for all requests made via the SDK.

With API key auth, the requester has access to the resources available to the API key:

  • Secret API keys (secret_***) have access to all API endpoints.

  • Public API keys (public_***) have access to file upload, file download, and file listing API endpoints. File overwrites, file deletes, and all other destructive operations cannot be performed using public API keys. File listing is also disabled by default (but can be changed in the API key's settings).

Each Public API Key and Secret API Key can have its read/write access limited to a subset of files/folders.

JWT Cookies

JWT cookies are optional.

With JWT cookies, the user can download private files directly via the URL, as authorization is performed implicitly via a session cookie. This allows the browser to display private files in <img> and <video> elements.

With JWT cookies, the user can also perform API requests (e.g. file uploads) granted by the JWT's payload. This is because the Bytescale JavaScript SDK automatically injects the user's JWT into the authorization-token request header for all API requests, assuming the AuthManager.beginAuthSession method has been called.

Note: when using JWT cookies to download files, the ?auth=true query parameter must be added to the URL.

Learn more about the AuthManager and JWT cookies »


Use the UrlBuilder to construct URLs for your uploaded files:

import { UrlBuilder } from "@bytescale/sdk";

Raw Files

To get the URL for the uploaded image /example.jpg in its original form, use the following:

// Returns: ""
  accountId: "1234abc",
  filePath: "/example.jpg"


To resize the uploaded image /example.jpg to 800x600, use the following:

// Returns: ""
  accountId: "1234abc",
  filePath: "/example.jpg",
  options: {
    transformation: "image",
    transformationParams: {
      w: 800,
      h: 600

Image Processing API Docs »


To transcode the uploaded video / to MP4/H.264 in HD, use the following:

// Returns: ""
  accountId: "1234abc",
  filePath: "/",
  options: {
    transformation: "video",
    transformationParams: {
      f: "mp4-h264",
      h: 1080

Video Processing API Docs »


To transcode the uploaded audio /example.wav to AAC in 192kbps, use the following:

// Returns: ""
  accountId: "1234abc",
  filePath: "/example.wav",
  options: {
    transformation: "audio",
    transformationParams: {
      f: "aac",
      br: 192

Audio Processing API Docs »


To extract the file document.docx from the uploaded ZIP file /

// Returns: ""
  accountId: "1234abc",
  filePath: "/",
  options: {
    transformation: "archive",
    transformationParams: {
      m: "extract"
    artifact: "/document.docx"

Archive Processing API Docs »

🙋 Can I use my own storage?

Bytescale supports AWS S3, Cloudflare R2, Google Storage, DigitalOcean, and Bytescale Storage.

Bytescale Storage Docs »

Bytescale JavaScript SDK Docs »

👋 Create your Bytescale Account

Bytescale is the best way to upload, transform, and serve images, videos, and audio at scale.

Create a Bytescale account »




Official Bytescale JavaScript SDK

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 96.6%Language:JavaScript 3.0%Language:Shell 0.4%