theprimo / java-json-diff-tool

Java Json Diff Tool - Compare 2 Json files and find the differences, using json-simple for parsing & processing json files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

## Instructions file for Java Json Diff Tool

I.How to run the jar and get the result

Place the below 4 files in a folder, then from that folder run below command.

Command: java -jar JavaJsonDiffTool-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

1.JavaJsonDiffTool-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -    wrap of all code, necessary files and jars                   -    configuration properties file
3.left-json.json		          			  -    left input json file
4.right-json.json                     -    right input json file

II. More info about file

It contains below configurable properties

1.LEFT_FILE_NAME                      -   input, left json file name
2.RIGHT_FILE_NAME 				            -   input, right json file name
3.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME					          -   output, result json file name

III. More info about file

This is the maven java project of the Java Json Diff Tool


Java Json Diff Tool - Compare 2 Json files and find the differences, using json-simple for parsing & processing json files