theopn /

My website powered by Hugo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Theo Website

My website( (or built with Hugo!


# Clone the repository and initialize submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules

# Testing server locally
hugo server

# Building HTML/CSS contents in /public directory -- no longer relevant due to the use of GitHub action
hugo -D
hugo -t terminal # If config.toml does not specify the "theme" variable

Directory Structure

File/directory with (*) mark are somethings you (meaning I) should know.

├── .git
├── .github                                         (*)
├── .gitignore
├── .gitmodules
├── CNAME                                           (*)
├── archetypes                                      (*)
│   ├──
│   └──
├── config.toml                                     (*)
├── content                                         (*)
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── writing
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └──
├── public
│   ├── <Hugo generated HTML files>
│   └── <Does not exist if GitHub action is used>
├── static                                          (*)
│   ├── favicon.png
│   └── img
│       ├── about
│       │   ├── resume.pdf
│       │   └── portrait.jpg
│       ├── index
│       │   └── epic-image.jpg
│       ├── projects
│       │   ├── 20xx-xx-xx-awesome-project.jpg
│       │   └── 20yy-yy-yy-cool-project.png
│       └── writing
│           ├── 20xx-xx-xx-funny-meme.jpg
│           └── 20yy-yy-yy-another-funny-meme.jpg
└── themes                                          (*)
    └── terminal
        └── <Git submodule from terminal theme>

.github and CNAME

Custom GitHub workflow from the official documentation. With this, GitHub Action automatically builds the website for every git push.

For having a custom domain, have the domain in CNAME.


Archetypes are templates for Hugo contents. When archetypes are not specified, archetype is used. Otherwise, an appropriate archetype will be used. In the beginning of the archetype (and every documents generated from the archetype) there is "Front Matter". Hugo supports YAML (---\n date: ...\n description: ...\n ---), TOML (+++\n date: ...\n description: ...\n +++), and JSON ({\n "date": "...",\n "description": "..."\n }). I use TOML to keep it consistent with the Terminal theme contents.

To initialize a new content under content/<archetypes>, use the following command:

hugo new <archetypes>/<name>.md


Copy of the default configuration from the theme repository.


  • For the front-page, root directory request. The theme defaults to server post directory for root request. In my setup, post directory does not exist, so list of contents in post is omitted (see 6 lines down), displaying the front index page only.
  • "About Me" page content

writing is a folder with all my posts. When a new content is created using hugo new writing/ command, writing archetype will be used.

Also, you can have for a content type. This will be followed by list of contents.

Deleting/Renaming a content

The files are not tied to Hugo structure. If a post needs to be deleted or renamed, do so using a system file manager. There is no special command needed

Inserting an image to a post

  • To insert an image, first copy the image in static/img/writing directory. Then, use figure or image accordingly:
 <!-- Image simply displays the image -->
{{< image src="/img/writing/ollie-thinkcat.jpg" alt="Oliver looking at my Thinkpad" position="center" style="border-radius: 8px;" >}}
 <!-- Figure can decorate the image -->
{{< figure src="/img/writing/ollie-thinkcat.jpg" alt="Oliver looking at my ThinkPad" position="center" style="border-radius: 8px;" caption="I told you it's a cute picture" captionPosition="left" captionStyle="color: black;" >}}

Referencing other posts

{{< ref "/writing/" >}}

Creating a new content type

Hugo recognizes multiple markdown contents in a folder and group them. For example, everything in writing folders are displayed under writing section.

If I create a new content using hugo new blog/, default template ("post" template from the theme author) will be used, content/blog/ will be created, and http://localhost:1313/blog/hi/ will be accessible. To display it in the menu, modify section in the config.toml, as following:

        identifier = "about"
        name = "About Me"
        url = "/about"
        weight = 1
        identifier = "projects"
        name = "Projects"
        url = "/projects"
        weight = 2
        identifier = "writing"
        name = "Writing"
        url = "/writing"
        weight = 3
        identifier = "contact"
        name = "Contact Me"
        url = "/contact"
        weight = 4
        identifier = "blog"
        name = "Blog posts"
        url = "/blog"
        weight = 0 # 0 weight is considered unset weight

In http://localhost:1313/blog, the list view of all contents within the folder will be displayed.

To create a standalone document like or, simply follow how they are created. Hugo recognizes a standalone markdown file in content directory as standalone document.


  • favicon.png: Needs to be specified in the config.toml's favicon variable
  • img: I organize images by content types for my sanity


I use hugo-theme-terminal. The repository README contains a great documentation. Within the directory, the repository is cloned as a submodule with a folder named terminal. Refer to the theme name as terminal.


My website powered by Hugo

License:MIT License