thenikso / ngReact

Use React Components in Angular

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The React.js library can be used as a view component in web applications. ngReact is an Angular module that allows React Components to be used in AngularJS applications.

Motivation for this could be any of the following:

  • You need greater performance than Angular can offer (two way data binding, Object.observe, too many scope watchers on the page) and React is typically more performant due to the Virtual DOM and other optimizations it can make

  • React offers an easier way to think about the state of your UI; instead of data flowing both ways between controller and view as in two way data binding, React typically eschews this for a more unidirectional/reactive paradigm

  • Someone in the React community released a component that you would like to try out

  • You're already deep into an Angular application and can't move away, but would like to experiment with React


Install via Bower:

bower install ngReact

or via npm:

npm install ngreact


Then, just make sure Angular, React, and ngReact are on the page,

<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/react/react.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/ngReact/ngReact.min.js"></script>

and include the 'react' Angular module as a dependency for your new app

    angular.module('app', ['react']);

and you're good to go.


Specifically, ngReact is composed of:

  • react-component, an Angular directive that delegates off to a React Component
  • reactDirective, a service for converting React components into the react-component Angular directive

ngReact can be used in existing angular applications, to replace entire or partial views with react components.

The react-component directive

The reactComponent directive is a generic wrapper for embedding your React components.

With an Angular app and controller declaration like this:

angular.module('app', ['react'])
  .controller('helloController', function($scope) {
    $scope.person = { fname: 'Clark', lname: 'Kent' };

And a React Component like this

/** @jsx React.DOM */
app.value('HelloComponent', React.createClass({
  propTypes: {
    fname : React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    lname : React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
  render: function() {
    return <span>Hello {this.props.fname} {this.props.lname}</span>;

The component can be used in an Angular view using the react-component directive like so, where:

  • the name attribute checks for an Angular injectable of that name and falls back to a globally exposed variable of the same name, and
  • the props attribute indicates what scope properties should be exposed to the React component
<body ng-app="app">
  <div ng-controller="helloController">
    <react-component name="HelloComponent" props="person" />

The reactDirective service

The reactDirective factory, in contrast to the reactComponent directive, is meant to create specific directives corresponding to React components. In the background, this actually creates and and sets up reactComponent directives specifically bound to the specified React component.

If, for example, you wanted to use the same React component in multiple places, you'd have to specify <react-component name="yourComponent" props="props" /> repeatedly, but if you used reactDirective factory, you could create a yourComponent directive and simply use that everywhere.

The service takes the name of the React component as the argument.

app.directive('hello', function(reactDirective) {
  return reactDirective('Hello');
} );

This creates a directive that can be used like this:

<body ng-app="app">
  <div ng-controller="helloController">
    <hello fname="person.fname" lname="person.lname"/>

Reusing Angular Injectables

In an existing Angular application, you'll often have existing services or filters that you wish to access from your React component. These can be retrieved using Angular's dependency injection. The React component will still be render-able as aforementioned, using the react-component directive.

app.filter('hero', function() {
  return function(person) {
    if (person.fname === 'Clark' && person.lname === 'Kent') {
      return 'Superman';
    return person.fname + ' ' + person.lname;

/** @jsx React.DOM */
app.factory('HelloComponent', function($filter) {
  return React.createClass({
    propTypes: {
      person: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
    render: function() {
      return <span>Hello $filter('hero')(this.props.person)</span>;
<body ng-app="app">
  <div ng-controller="helloController">
    <react-component name="HelloComponent" props="person" />



  • Kasper Bøgebjerg Pedersen (@kasperp)
  • David Chang (@davidchang)


  • Tihomir Kit (@pootzko)


Use React Components in Angular

License:MIT License