thenextcoder / xml-flow

Generate structured data to and from LLMs, build, parse, and validate XML using PHP.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



XMLFlow is a simple, fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use PHP library for building, parsing, and validating XML documents. It can also be used to build highly structured prompts for LLM.


  1. Build XML documents programmatically with XmlBuilder
  2. Parse any XML data into PHP arrays or objects
  3. Validate the syntax and structure of your XML data


You can install XMLFlow via Composer:

composer require thenextcoder/xml-flow

You will then be able to import XMLFlow in your PHP scripts like this:

use TheNextCoder\XmlFlow\Builder\XmlBuilder;

Usage XmlBuilder

Example 1: Creating a Simple Document

This example demonstrates how to create a simple XML document with a custom root element and a few child elements.

use TheNextCoder\XmlFlow\Builder\XmlBuilder;

$xmlBuilder = new XmlBuilder('greeting');
$xmlBuilder->addElement('hello', 'World');
$xmlBuilder->addElement('goodbye', 'See you later');

echo $xmlBuilder->getFormattedXml();


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <goodbye>See you later</goodbye>

Example 2: Nested Elements with Attributes

This example shows how to create an XML document with nested elements and attributes, illustrating the use of XPath to specify the parent element.

$xmlBuilder = new XmlBuilder('book', ['isbn' => '000-0-00-000000-0']);
$chapter = $xmlBuilder->addElement('chapter', 'Introduction to XML', null, ['number' => '1']);
$xmlBuilder->addElement('section', 'Basics of XML', $chapter, ['id' => 'section-1']);

echo $xmlBuilder->getFormattedXml();


<book isbn="000-0-00-000000-0">
  <chapter number="1">Introduction to XML
    <section id="section-1">Basics of XML</section>

Example 3: Using XPath to Add Elements

Illustrates adding elements to a specified parent using XPath, useful for more complex document structures.

$xmlBuilder = new XmlBuilder('library');
$xmlBuilder->addElement('shelf', null, null, ['id' => 'shelf-1']);
$xmlBuilder->addElement('book', 'XML for Dummies', '//shelf[@id="shelf-1"]', ['author' => 'John Doe']);

echo $xmlBuilder->getFormattedXml();


  <shelf id="shelf-1">
    <book author="John Doe">XML for Dummies</book>

Example 4: Complex Document Creation

This example creates a more complex XML document, demonstrating the class's flexibility.

$xmlBuilder = new XmlBuilder('catalog');
$products = $xmlBuilder->addElement('products');
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
    $product = $xmlBuilder->addElement('product', "Product $i", $products);
    $xmlBuilder->addElement('price', '$' . (10 * $i), $product, ['currency' => 'USD']);

echo $xmlBuilder->getFormattedXml();


      <price currency="USD">$10</price>Product 1
      <price currency="USD">$20</price>Product 2
      <price currency="USD">$30</price>Product 3

Usage XmlParser

Example 1: Parsing XML Data

This example demonstrates how to parse an XML string into a PHP array.

use TheNextCoder\XmlFlow\Parser\XmlParser;

$xmlString = <<<XML
    <title>Write a documentation</title>
        <subtask>Outline the main sections and subtopics</subtask>
        <subtask>Write the introductory overview</subtask>
        <subtask>Draft the "getting started" or installation guide</subtask>
        <subtask>Detail the main functionalities and their uses</subtask>
        <subtask>Explain any advanced features or options</subtask>
        <subtask>Write troubleshooting tips or FAQs section</subtask>
        <subtask>Include screenshots, diagrams, or other visual aids</subtask>
        <subtask>Address any known issues or limitations</subtask>
        <subtask>Indicate on how users can submit comments or questions</subtask>
        <subtask>Proofread for clarity, accuracy, and grammar</subtask>
        <subtask>Solicit feedback from colleagues or beta testers</subtask>
        <subtask>Make necessary revisions based on feedback</subtask>
        <subtask>Finalize and publish the documentation</subtask>

$parser = new XmlParser();

try {
    $xml = $parser->parse($xmlString);
    // Extracting title and priority
    echo "Task: " . $xml->title . "\n";
    echo "Priority: " . $xml->priority . "\n\n";
    // Extracting and listing subtasks
    echo "Subtasks:\n";
    foreach ($xml->subtasks->subtask as $subtask) {
        echo "- " . $subtask . "\n";

    // Optional: Converting to an associative array
    $arrayRepresentation = $parser->toArray($xml);
    echo "\nArray Representation:\n";

} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";

Usage XmlValidator

Example 1: Validating XML Data

This example demonstrates how to validate the syntax and structure of an XML string.

use TheNextCoder\XmlFlow\Validator\XmlValidator;

$xmlContent = '<root><child>Example</child></root>'; // Your XML content here

try {
    echo "The XML is well-formed.";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "The XML is not well-formed. Errors: " . $e->getMessage();


Contributions are welcome! Please see for more details.


XMLFlow is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.


Generate structured data to and from LLMs, build, parse, and validate XML using PHP.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%