thenewvu / objutil

A minimal javascript library provides utility functions for working on objects.

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What is this?

A minimal javascript library provides utility functions for working on objects.

Why this?

I know, there're ton of libraries for the purpose out there, I tried many of them, they're both good and bad depending on the jugdement perspective.

But I come up with this because I want:

  • Clarify what mutates and what immutates the origin object - it has set - immutates, inset - mutates.
  • Don't revent the wheel - Only provide what built-in JS doesn't provide. So it doesn't include Object.* and Array.*.
  • Extensibility - fset and finset come for this, do whatever you want with the old value then return the new value.
  • Work with React/Redux states - See set and fset examples below.
  • No surprise - set, fset, inset and finset won't create intermediate objects if the path doesn't exist.

How to use?

  • To walk on an object
    import {walk} from '@thenewvu/objutil'
    const nodepaths = []
    const obj = {
      a: {b: {c: 1}},
      x: {y: {z: 2}}
    walk(obj, (node, path) => {
      nodepaths.push({node, path})
      {node: {b: {c: 1}}, path: 'a'},
      {node: {c: 1}, path: 'a.b'},
      {node: 1, path: 'a.b.c'},
      {node: {y: {z: 2}}, path: 'x'},
      {node: {z: 2}, path: 'x.y'},
      {node: 2, path: 'x.y.z'}
  • To get a value in an object:
    import {get} from '@thenewvu/objutil'
    const obj = {
      a: {b: {c: 1}},
      x: {y: {z: 2}}
    expect(get(obj, 'a.b.c')).toEqual(1)
    expect(get(obj, 'a.b')).toEqual({c: 1})
    expect(get(obj, 'x.y.z')).toEqual(2)
    expect(get(obj, 'x.y')).toEqual({z: 2})
    expect(get(obj, 'x.a')).toEqual(undefined)
  • To test if an object matches another object
    import {test} from '@thenewvu/objutil'
    const obj1 = {
      a: {b: {c: 1}},
      x: {y: {z: 2}}
    const obj2 = {
      a: {b: {c: 1}}
    const obj3 = {
      x: {y: {z: 1}}
    expect(test(obj1, obj2)).toEqual(true)
    expect(test(obj1, obj3)).toEqual(false)
  • To mutate an object
    import {inset, finset} from '@thenewvu/objutil'
    const obj = {
      a: {b: {c: 'old'}},
    inset(obj, 'a.b.c', 'new')
      a: {b: {c: 'new'}},
    finset(obj, 'a.b.c', c => c + 'new')
      a: {b: {c: 'newnew'}},
  • To set an object immutably (don't change the origin object, return the changed object)
    import {set, fset} from '@thenewvu/objutil'
    const obj1 = {
      a: {b: {c: 'old', d: {e: 'old'}}},
      x: {y: {z: 'old'}}
    const {a} = obj1
    const {b} = a
    const {c, d} = b
    const {e} = d
    const {x} = obj1
    const {y} = x
    const {z} = y
    const obj2 = set(obj1, 'a.b.c', 'new')
    expect(obj2 !== obj1).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.a !== a).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.a.b !== b).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.a.b.c === 'new').toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.a.b.d === d).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.a.b.d.e === e).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.x === x).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.x.y === y).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.x.y.z === z).toEqual(true)
    const obj3 = fset(obj1, 'a.b.d.e', e => e + 'new')
    expect(obj3 !== obj1).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj3.a !== a).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj3.a.b !== b).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj3.a.b.c === c).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj3.a.b.d !== d).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj3.a.b.d.e === 'oldnew').toEqual(true)
    expect(obj3.x === x).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj3.x.y === y).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj3.x.y.z === z).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.a === a).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.a.b === b).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.a.b.c === c).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.a.b.d === d).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.a.b.d.e === e).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.x === x).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.x.y === y).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.x.y.z === z).toEqual(true)
  • To execute multiple operations on an object immutably
    import {exec} from '@thenewvu/objutil'
    const obj1 = {
      a: {b: {c: 'old'}},
      x: {y: {z: 'old'}},
      i: {j: {k: 'old'}}
    const {a} = obj1
    const {b} = a
    const {c} = b
    const {x} = obj1
    const {y} = x
    const {z} = y
    const {i} = obj1
    const {j} = i
    const {k} = j
    const obj2 = exec.on(obj1)(
      exec.fset('a.b.d', d => d || {}),
      exec.fset('a.b.d.e', e => 'new'),
      exec.set('a.b.c', 'new'),
      exec.set('x.y.z', 'new')
    // only change what need to be changed
    expect(obj2 !== obj1).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.a !== a).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.a.b !== b).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.a.b.c === 'new').toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.a.b.d).toEqual({e: 'new'})
    expect(obj2.x !== x).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.x.y !== y).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.x.y.z === 'new').toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.i === i).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.i.j === j).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj2.i.j.k === k).toEqual(true)
    // no change on origin object
    expect(obj1.a === a).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.a.b === b).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.a.b.c === c).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.a.b.d === undefined).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.x === x).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.x.y === y).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.x.y.z === z).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.i === i).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.i.j === j).toEqual(true)
    expect(obj1.i.j.k === k).toEqual(true)


A minimal javascript library provides utility functions for working on objects.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%