themiurgo / overpass-api-python-wrapper

A thin Python wrapper around the OpenStreetMap Overpass API

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Overpass API python wrapper

This is a thin wrapper around the OpenStreetMap Overpass API.


Install it

$ pip install overpass

If you get an error similar to

OSError: Could not find library geos_c or load any of its variants ['', '']

you can install the required libraries on linux with

$ sudo apt-get install libgeos-c1 libgeos-3.4.2

Use it

You can use the overpass command line interface or use it as a Python library.

Command line interface ---------------------

You can use the CLI to execute queries and save the result in a GeoJSON file.


Run query and save the result in output_file

--timeout INTEGER  Timeout in seconds
--endpoint TEXT    URL of your prefered API
--format TEXT      Format to save the data. Options are 'geojson', 'json', 'xml'. Default format is geojson.
--help             Show this message and exit.

For example:

To make a query and save the result as GeoJSON:

overpass --timeout 50 'node(area:3602758138)[amenity=cafe]' brasilia-cafe.geojson

Or to get the result as an OSM XML file:

overpass --timeout 50 --format xml 'node(area:3602758138)[amenity=cafe]' brasilia-cafe.osm

Python Library -------------

>>> import overpass
>>> api = overpass.API()
>>> response = api.Get('node["name"="Salt Lake City"]')

Note that you don't have to include any of the output meta statements. The wrapper will, well, wrap those.

You will get your result as a dictionary, which (for now) represents the JSON output you would get from the Overpass API directly. So you could do this for example:

>>> print [(feature['tags']['name'], feature['id']) for feature in response['elements']]
[(u'Salt Lake City', 150935219), (u'Salt Lake City', 585370637), (u'Salt Lake City', 1615721573)]

You can specify the format of the response. By default, you will get GeoJSON using the responseformat parameter. Alternatives are plain JSON (json) and OSM XML (xml), as ouput directly by the Overpass API.

>>> import overpass
>>> api = overpass.API()
>>> response = api.Get('node["name"="Salt Lake City"]', responseformat="xml")


The API takes a few parameters:

endpoint ^^^^^^^^^^

The default endpoint is but you can pass in the rambler instance ( or your own:

api = overpass.API(endpoint=http://overpass.myserver/interpreter)

timeout ^^^^^^^^^^

The default timeout is 25 seconds, but you can set it to whatever you want.

api = overpass.API(timeout=600)


Setting this to True will get you debug output.

Simple queries ~~~~~~~~~~~

In addition to just send your query and parse the result, the wrapper provides shortcuts for often used map queries. To use them, just pass them like to normal query to the API.


This is a shorthand for a complete ways and relations query in a bounding box (the 'map call'). You just pass the bounding box to the constructor:

>>> map_query = overpass.MapQuery(50.746,7.154,50.748,7.157)
>>> response = api.Get(map_query)


This is shorthand for getting a set of ways and their child nodes that satisfy certain criteria. Pass the criteria as a Overpass QL stub to the constructor:

>>> way_query = overpass.WayQuery('[name="Highway 51"]')
>>> response = api.Get(way_query)

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A thin Python wrapper around the OpenStreetMap Overpass API

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%