themakers / guidelines-go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




//TODO: Add reference example

General Requirements

The whole system should maintain maximum possible level of decomposition

regardless of the layer we’re talking about

Follow Package/Microdomain concept

// TODO: explain

Packages should have no global state

TODO: reformulate

  • Scopes should have as few symbols as possible (especially package scope)
  • Declarations should have the narrowest possible scope it could have


Control-flow becomes more observable/understandable if it forms a directed graph with only one vertex which has no incoming (and only outgoing) edges. This vertex is entry point, the main() function.


Data-flow can also be considered as a graph. Every stateful object there is a vertex. Fewer vertices, fewer and shorter edges => more observable/understandable teh data-flow is.

In practice all the state should be packed into the package-level entities (structs). With this approach we also understand the ownership better (i.e.: this entity owns this logger instance, etc...).

Error Handling

Functions like os.Exit() and log.Fatal() should never be used.

As these functions calls POSIX's exit() internally. Which, in turn, makes any kind of deinitialization impossible.

All errors should be handled. Absolutely. Even in POCs.

In rare cases, if the error is non-critical, then it should be at least reliably reported.

Errors should be typed

so we can use type switch to implement different recovery scenarios

Handlers (HTTP/gRPC/etc)

Handlers should be thin.

Most of the logic should be encapsulated into a subordinate entities.

Handlers should be bound to a structs (except some special cases)

// TODO: explain

There should be one and only one place in domain's code from where you send responses

// TODO: explain



All log messages with WARN level and above should have stacktraces attached

Structured logging approach should be implemented project-wide

// TODO: explain



Executable Package Design

Entry point should be as small as possible. It’s only a glue for subordinate entities.

Proper lifecycle management

All service-wide entities should be instantiated in the entry point and passed through the call stack

i.e.: logger, data access layer instance, etc

At the very beginning of the entry point we should have a global Context object instantiated

Later this object should be passed through the call stack accompanying the control flow.

This object should be nested and passed to every HTTP/gRPC/etc handler call using specific middlewares or http.Server.BaseContext callback in case of HTTP server.

Every service’s entry point should handle SIGINT|SIGTERM|SIGKILL

When the signal is caught, it should cancel the global context to initiate graceful shutdown

Graceful shutdown

The graceful shutdown should be implemented by every internal process.

During the graceful shutdown entry point should wait for them to finish (with timeout).

Graceful shutdown process should have a reasonable timeout, to not last forever.

Library Package design

Architectural entities should represent real-world objects

// TODO: explain

Every entity should have a constructor defined as a package level function

If there is the only entity in a package, then the constructor function should be named New

If there are multiple entities in a package, then constructor functions should be named New%EntityName%

Data modeling

Never describe/use same model for different domains

i.e.: DAO should not be used as a DTO

// TODO: explain

Maintain data converters in a separate package

// TODO: explain

Automated Tests

Coverage should be 70 percent or higher

Tests should be coded in DDL-like style

to be easily readable/understandable

Apply Unit approach to simple stateless packages

Apply BDD-like approach to more complex stateful APIs

BDD-style tests fits better when it comes to testing stateful APIs (i.e. networked APIs), because it has the state (i.e. user's session in networked APIs) and standardized working routines (or scenarios). BDD tests also provides structured usage examples of your APIs.


In-code comments


No redundant comments

Code comments should be applied only when necessary. Redundant == wrong.

You don't need comments you have exhaustive naming and clean architecture. (IRL it is rather not 100% achievable)


  • DDL -
  • BDD -
  • DAL - Data Access Layer
  • DAO - Data Access Object
  • DTO - Data Transfer Object


License:MIT License