thejmazz / playbooks

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Some Plays

My playbooks for, given a blank install of

  • Ubuntu 16.04 (currently supported)
  • Arch Linux (todo)
  • MacOS (todo)

get up to speed with my preferred configurations and programs, and in the case of an external server, be prepared to serve https requests via Let's Encrypt. These playbooks make use of, or are used from, my dotfiles managed by yadm.

Eventually it should support root and non-root access. For example, install programs to ~/bin if root access is not available.

I have purposefully left out configuration such as

become: yes
remote_user: root
become_method: sudo

since it makes more sense to set these as applicable from the CLI, imho. The above equivalent in CLI arguments is -b -u root -K or --become --user root --ask-become-pass. (Note the default for --user is root).

If you do not have an ssh key for root, use -k or --ask-pass. If you do have an ssh key for root, ensure it is added to your ssh-agent (this wont work through docker), or use --private-key=PRIVATE_KEY_FILE. Note. Using a key does not work currently since there are file permission and ownership issues concerning ~/.ssh.

For choosing hosts, you can make your own hosts file and then set it with -i hosts. Alternatively you can pass a comma seperated host list (with a comma at the end) like -i ",".

Take care when running through a docker container - ssh keys, know_hosts, etc, will need to be volume mounted in. When running through docker, use docker-compose run --rm ansible in place of ansible:

alias ansible="docker-compose run --rm ansible"

0. Install programs as root

This is required to be done before creating a user since the user uses these programs (specifically, commands in ~/.yadm/bootstrap may fail). This can be skipped if instead your yadm bootstrap runs ansible with the localhost as target.

This step should be optional. I have still yet to organize the differences between root and non-root setups.

ansible ./plays/base.yml -i "," --ask-pass

Note You'll need to install the roles locally:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path ./roles

1. Create your user

To create a new user:

ansible ./plays/user.yml --ask-pass \
--extra-vars "public_key=~/.ssh/"

To delete a user (prompted for delete home + backup)

ansible ./plays/delete-user.yml --ask-pass


  • tpm
  • bind-key -t vi-copy v begin-selection unkown command
  • prefix
  • statusline
  • colors (for windows, status)
  • tab switching
  • choose interface for ifstat
  • local nvim
  • local tmux
  • local yadm
  • packer support for Digital Ocean, AWS, etc
  • docker entrypoint that adds keys to ssh-agent
  • docker entrypoint handles ~/.ssh owner UID and GID
  • vim tab color to match tmux tabs
  • run ansible with target localhost from yadm bootstrap
  • don't run container as root



Language:Shell 100.0%