thegalaxykat / DailyDo

Take on your tasks one day at a time. Built with React ✅

Repository from Github https://github.comthegalaxykat/DailyDoRepository from Github https://github.comthegalaxykat/DailyDo

DailyDo ✓

A daily planner that helps you take things one day at a time while organizing everything on your plate.

Development Setup

Python3 and NodeJS are required.

  • Python Flask: pip3 install flask OR from the Backend directory run pip install -r requirements.txt.

  • NodeJS Packages: from the Frontend directory run npm install.

Bundle and Run

From the root repository directory run ./build_and_run. This will bundle the React frontend and start the Flask server for you. Note that this will have to be done every time a change is made to either the frontend or backend since I'm not using hot module reloading here.

Navigate to http://localhost:5000 in a web browser.

Tools and Attribution

Built from scratch using Flask, React and Vite.
CSS animations inspired by and adapted from Andreas Storm.
Pop Sound Effects from Pixabay.
Icons from feather and icons8.


Take on your tasks one day at a time. Built with React ✅

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 44.5%Language:CSS 31.8%Language:Python 21.0%Language:HTML 2.0%Language:Shell 0.6%