theepicsnail / sublist

Sublime Text Plug-in that generates a quick panel accessible todo list

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Sublime Text plugin that searches the open directories for @notes such as @TODO or @ERROR and generates a list easily accessible by the quick panel. Selecting a list item will open that file and bring you to the line of that note.


A list is an instance of a window. The first time you run the command in a window, the panel will display an option to update your list, any subsequent time will display your list. The controls I have set are as follows, but feel free to change them to your liking.

  • OSX - control+option+l
  • Still testing for Linux and Windows


  • terms - The list will be based on the value of the "terms" property in settings. I have defaulted this to @TODO, however this can be set to your preference. For example, if you would like @ERROR to be included, adjust the terms option in sublist.sublime-settings accordingly, like this "terms": ["@TODO", "@ERROR"].
  • priority - You can set priority to an item by adding -(:num)- to any list item. One being the most important. Items without a set priority will default to 9. For example, @TODO -1- This item is important.
  • ignore_dirs - In order to speed up the search and ignore unnecessary files, I have added the option to ignore any directories you may need. By default, I am ignoring the /.git directory. You can add more directories that you wish to ignore. For example, if using laravel you may wish to ignore the storage folder by doing something like this, "ignore_dirs": ["/.git", "/storage"].


Clone the directory in the following location based on your OS

  • OSX - ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/
  • Linux - ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/
  • Windows - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages

After further testing I will make it available through package control.


Sublime Text Plug-in that generates a quick panel accessible todo list