theeomm / particlesjs-rails

A ruby on rails wrapper for particles.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


particlesjs-rails is a ruby on rails wrapper for particle.js


Ruby Gem:


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'particlesjs-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install particlesjs-rails

In app/assets/javascripts/application.js add:

//= require particles


  • In your views, assign an id to the element were you want the particles to appear. In this case lets call it particles

  • Create a javascript file in app/assets/javascripts/my-particles.js. You can initialize particles.js as shown in example:

document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load',() => {
    particlesJS('particles', {
        "particles": {
            "number": {
            "value": 80,
            "density": {
                "enable": true,
                "value_area": 800
            "color": {
            "value": "#ffffff"
            "shape": {
            "type": "circle",
            "stroke": {
                "width": 0,
                "color": "#000000"
            "polygon": {
                "nb_sides": 5
            "image": {
                "src": "img/github.svg",
                "width": 100,
                "height": 100
            "opacity": {
            "value": 0.5,
            "random": false,
            "anim": {
                "enable": false,
                "speed": 1,
                "opacity_min": 0.1,
                "sync": false
            "size": {
            "value": 10,
            "random": true,
            "anim": {
                "enable": false,
                "speed": 80,
                "size_min": 0.1,
                "sync": false
            "line_linked": {
            "enable": true,
            "distance": 300,
            "color": "#ffffff",
            "opacity": 0.4,
            "width": 2
            "move": {
            "enable": true,
            "speed": 12,
            "direction": "none",
            "random": false,
            "straight": false,
            "out_mode": "out",
            "bounce": false,
            "attract": {
                "enable": false,
                "rotateX": 600,
                "rotateY": 1200
        "interactivity": {
            "detect_on": "canvas",
            "events": {
            "onhover": {
                "enable": false,
                "mode": "repulse"
            "onclick": {
                "enable": true,
                "mode": "push"
            "resize": true
            "modes": {
            "grab": {
                "distance": 800,
                "line_linked": {
                "opacity": 1
            "bubble": {
                "distance": 800,
                "size": 80,
                "duration": 2,
                "opacity": 0.8,
                "speed": 3
            "repulse": {
                "distance": 400,
                "duration": 0.4
            "push": {
                "particles_nb": 4
            "remove": {
                "particles_nb": 2
        "retina_detect": true


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


A ruby on rails wrapper for particles.js

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 92.7%Language:Shell 7.3%