thedod / cable2graph

WikiLeaks Cablegate - cables.csv to graph to svg/html5

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WikiLeaks Cablegate Reference Network Visualization

cable2graph is a collection of tools to create interactive HTML5/CSS3/SVG visualizations from graph data.

It is primarily written for the cables.csv file that contains the raw WikiLeaks cablegate data.

Three types of graphs are currently supported:

  • undirected graph based on the manual references between cables
  • weighted directed graph based on the sender and receiver of cables
  • bipartite graph based on the TAGS value of each cable


  1. install igraph 0.6 C library and Python extension module

  2. install jinja2

    $ pip install jinja2

  3. Download and unpack the zip archive of the github repository


The typical workflow is divided in four steps:

  1. extract features from the cables.csv (optional)
  2. build the full graph
  3. split the graph
  4. create the visualization


$ ./c2g full.graphml
$ ./splitgraph --source full.graphml -d /tmp --multilevel --clusters
$ ls /tmp/*graphml > /tmp/list-of-graphs
$ ./g2svg -t graph-timeline.tmpl -i /tmp/list-of-graphs
$ ./g2idx -i /tmp/list-of-graphs -d /tmp
$ open /tmp/index.html


Extract features from the cables.csv into smaller plain text files stored in the data directory.

This step is optional. All files created by extract are included in the repository. A full run can take around 2-4 minutes.

$ ./extract cables.csv

See below at the DATA section for more details.


Create the large graph full.graphml with a file size of ~170MB.

$ ./c2g full.graphml

The graph contains the following node and edge values:

  • message reference number (MRN) as label
  • the place part of the MRN
  • missing with a value of 0 or 1 if the cable is referenced but not included in the cables.csv
  • unix timestamp for the time the cable was send
  • the classification of the cable
  • cable caption (currently only partial data)
  • node degree
  • pagerank
  • authority
  • constraint
  • node betweenness

Node betweenness is based on the giant component of the full graph. Pre-calculated values are loaded from data/betweenness. Calculation of the Brandes betweenness takes around nine hours for the ~100,000 nodes and ~143,000 edges of the giant component.


Split the large graph into smaller clusters and communities.

$ ./splitgraph --source full.graphml --multilevel --clusters

The --cluster option will export connected components but not the giant.

The giant component can be split using four different community detections.

  • multilevel (Blondel, Guillaume, Lambiotte, Lefebvre, 2008)
  • leading eigenvector (Newman)
  • fastgreedy (Clauset, Newman, Moore, 2004)
  • walktrap (Pons, Latapy)

Use the --giant option to save the giant component into a file.

The full graph or the giant component can be visualized with Gephi using the OpenOrd layout. The browser can display a SVG with around 800-1000 nodes without performance issues.


The nbh tool creates the neighborhood graph for a given node. For multiple labels the directly related nodes are grouped together.

$ echo "10EXAMPLE1" > list
$ echo "09EXAMPLE2" >> list
$ ./nbh full.graphml list

Not all cables have a neighborhood and nbh will never create the same graph twice.


create HTML file with inline SVG from any .graphml:

$ ./g2svg -g example.graphml

or use a list of graph files as source:

$ ls cluster*graphml > list-of-clusters
$ ./g2svg -i list-of-clusters

Two templates are currently included:

  • svg.tmpl: graph with sidebar

  • graph-timeline.tmpl: graph with timeline

    $ ./g2svg -t graph-timeline.tmpl -g example.graphml

The default layout algorithm is the force directed Kamada-Kawai (1989). The --layout option can be used to specify any layout algorithm supported by igraph v0.6.

Useful are:

  • fruchterman_reingold or fr
  • grid_fruchterman_reingold or gfr
  • tree
  • kamada_kawai or kk

For a full list run:

$ pydoc igraph.Graph.layout


For the integration with gephi existing layouts stored as x,y node attributes are supported by g2svg. Use the gephi File -> Export function.

Step by step how-to:


The g2idx tool creates a index.html file for a list of given graphs showing classification, TAGS and graph properties.

$ ls *graphml > index-list
$ ./g2idx -i index-list


  • extract: feature extraction from cables.csv
  • c2g: create a graph from the reference data
  • splitgraph: split a graph into clusters and communities
  • nbh: create a neighborhood graph for a list of MRN's
  • g2svg: render graph layout and create svg


  • t2g: create a graph from the TAGS data
  • r2g: create a graph with the "from -> to" routing data
  • c2txt: extract body and header from cables.csv
  • calcdates: estimate date for missing MRN's
  • gen_colors: create a random color for every place (see svg.css)


  • data/ MRN to url mapping
  • data/all_ids.list: all known MRN's
  • data/betweenness: pre-calculated betweenness values form the giant
  • data/cable_ids.list: all MRN's that exist in the cables.csv
  • data/captions.list: cable captions mentioned in the REF: field
  • data/classifications.list: MRN to classifications mapping
  • data/clique-big.list: list of all clusters
  • data/clique.list: list of all bigger cluster
  • data/dates.list: all known dates for each MRN
  • data/dates_missing.list: estimated dates for missing MRN's
  • data/diff_cnt.list: how often is a missing MRN referenced
  • data/edges.list: reference network
  • data/embassy.list: embassy names from the MRN
  • data/from_to.list: sender and receiver network
  • data/locations.list: Locations name from the cvs header
  • data/missing_mrn.list: referenced but missing MRN's
  • data/ref_ids.list: referenced MRN's from cvs header
  • data/ref_regex_ids.list: referenced MRN's from cable body
  • data/ telegram routing codes
  • data/subjects.list: full extracted subject for each MRN
  • data/tags.program: all program TAGS
  • data/tags.subject: all subject TAGS
  • data/tags_edges.list: TAGS network





WikiLeaks Cablegate - cables.csv to graph to svg/html5


Language:Python 69.4%Language:JavaScript 30.6%