thecreation / web-boilerplate

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Web Boilerplate

A starter template for Handlebar, ECMAScript(latest), sass and postcss.

Table of Contents


This starter also features a number of great software (in the words of their creators):

  • Lanyon - a content-first, sliding sidebar theme (originally) for Jekyll (by mdo).
  • Browsersync - time-saving synchronised browser testing, keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when editing files.
  • EditorConfig - a config file for maintaining consistent coding styles.


  • svgo - a Node.js module for optimizing SVG vector graphics files.
  • Favicons - a Node.js module for generating favicons and their associated files.
  • imagemin - a Node.js module for minify images seamlessly.
  • assets-manager - a Node.js module for transfer the required files from your registry distributions to the target.


  • Babel - a JavaScript compiler for es5 to es6/7.
  • rollup - a module bundler for JavaScript.
  • ESLint - the pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX (with preconfigured ruleset by Google.
  • UglifyES - A JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit for ES6+.



  • handlebars - a javascript template engine.
  • handlebars-wax - Effortless registration of data, partials, helpers, and decorators using file-system globs, modules, and plain-old JavaScript objects.
  • handlebars-layouts - a handlebars helpers which implement layout blocks.
  • handlebars-helpers - More than 180 Handlebars helpers in ~20 categories.
  • HTMLHint - a Static Code Analysis Tool for HTML.

Rollup plugins

Git Hooks manager


Node version manager

Install NVM. And use the latest version of NodeJS.

nvm install node
nvm use node

Install Sass

Go to for installation in command line.

gem install sass

Before install sass, you should install Ruby and install Gem.

Getting started

  1. Clone this Boilerplate

    git clone <PROJECT_NAME>
  2. Install Dependencies

    npm install
  3. Build the project

    npm run build
  4. Stay up-to-date

    git remote add upstream
    git pull upstream master

List of Npm tasks

To run separate task type in command line npm run [task_name].

Main tasks

Task name Description
start will start all tasks required by project in dev mode: initial build, watch files, run server with livereload
build builds all content and assets from src to dist.
dev builds your project without optimization.

Core tasks

Task name Description
css compile all scss from src/styles to dist/assets/css folder.
js compile all js from src/scripts to dist/assets/js folder.
html compile all hbs files to html files.

Assets related tasks

Task name Description
copy copy files from src/assets path to dist/assets path.
vendor copy vendor files from registry distributions to dist/assets/vendor path.
svg optimize svg files.
favicon generate favicons to dist/assets/favicon path.
img optimize and copies images in src/images to dist/assets/images.

Dev tasks

Task name Description
clean remove dist folder.
serve start a BrowserSync instance.
watch watchs for changes in src/ path and rebuilds parts of the site as necessary.

All available tasks are placed in a folder scripts.


npm run [task_name] --prod or npm run [task_name] --production to run task in production mode.


Everything's ready to get started right away:

npm start - Compiles assets & html, launches development server:

  • compiles styles & scripts are being compiled & concatenated
  • compresses images & svgs
  • builds the site & opens it in your default browser
  • watches for changes and injects them right away

npm run build - Same as above, but in production mode:

  • compiles & builds everything
  • minifies & compresses everything


Global variables and site metadata can be found inside config.js. Your can make some modification in the file.

Directory Structure

The source directory contains your entire application code, including CSS, JavaScript, HTML.

The rest of the folders and files only exist to make your life easier, and should not need to be touched.

Below you can find full details about significant files and folders.

├──               # Readme file
├── package.json            # Dependencies for node.js
├── LICENSE                 # License
├── .gitignore              # Git ignore rules
├── .htmlhintrc             # Settings for HTMLHint
├── /scripts/               # Npm scripts definitions
├── /dist/                  # Minified, optimized and compiled files
│   ├── /assets/            # Assets folder
│   │   ├── /css/           # CSS files
│   │   ├── /js/            # JS files
│   │   ├── /img/           # Images folder
│   │   ├── /svg/           # Svg files
│   │   └── /favicon/       # Favicon files
│   └── *.html              # Rendered and compiled HTMLs from hbs
└── /src/                   # The source code of the application
    ├── /assets/            # Static assets files copy to dist
    ├── /data/              # Metadata associated with the site.
    ├── /favicon/           # Favicon image
    ├── /styles/            # Stylesheets source
    ├── /scripts/           # Javascript source
    ├── /images/            # Non compressed image files
    ├── /svgs/              # Non compressed svg files
    ├── /helpers/           # Handlebars helpers
    ├── /layouts/           # Handlebars layouts that are based on
    ├── /partials/          # Handlebars partials that are included / extended
    └── /pages/             # Handlebars pages, one per page on the site


The code is available under the MIT license.


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 49.8%Language:CSS 38.0%Language:HTML 12.0%Language:Shell 0.2%