theconsultant / pydailystrips

A python replacement for the old comics page reader, dailystrips

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A python replacement for the old comics page reader, dailystrips.

pydailystrips will create your own comics page for you. Just run it with the names of the comic strips you would like to include, and it will create an HTML page which you can use to read all your comics in one place. If you want it to automatically create a new page every day, just set up a cron job to run it ever morning before you wake up.


pydailystrips [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-i INPUT] [-v] [--defs DEFS] [strips [strips ...]]

positional arguments:
  strips                strips to load, separated by spaces

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            	show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT	output file to write to
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT	input file to read from
  -v, --version     	    	print version and exit
  --defs DEFS           	Path to the strip definition file

###Sample usage $python pydailystrips dilbert, garfield, dennis-the-menace $python pydailystrips -i list_of_strips $python pydailystrips -i list_of_strips -o mypage.html $python pydailystrips pearlsbeforeswine, peanuts, pcandpixel, pickles --defs mystrip.def


  • Runs in Python 2.7. I have gotten it to work in Python 2.6 also, but you have to install argparse manually as it isn't included in 2.6 by default.


  • Use the dailystrips comics definition format for interoperability
  • Update everything
  • Run in python
  • Use github to keep the comic definitions up to date. (A major gripe of mine with the old dailystrips which hasn't been updated in years).

###What's changed since dailystrips:

  • prefetch has been removed, instead the referer header is now supported
  • strips.def file has been updated. Dead strips removed, new ones added.
  • The program is much simpler, easer to manage, and runs in python.

###Current Status As of February 2016, it is officially ready to be called version 1.0. There are still some strip definitions to clean up, but all the major providers and major things are in there and have been stable for some time now. Use an enjoy! (and if you update the strips.def file, please use github to keep the master appraised of your updates).


A python replacement for the old comics page reader, dailystrips