thecodeboss / graphql-migrate

Instantly create or update a SQL database from a GraphQL API schema

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Instantly create or update a SQL database from a GraphQL API schema.

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Programmatic Usage

The migrate methods is able to create and update tables and columns. It will execute those steps:

  • Read your database and construct an abstraction.
  • Read your GraphQL schema and turn it to an equivalent abstraction.
  • Compare both abstractions and generate database operations.
  • Convert to SQL and execute the queries from operations using knex.

All the operations executed on the database will be wrapped in a transaction: if an error occurs, it will be fully rollbacked to the initial state.

migrate has the following arguments:

  • config: a knex config object to connect to the database.
  • schema: a GraphQL schema object. You can use buildSchema from graphql.
  • options:
    • dbSchemaName (default: 'public'): table schema: <schemaName>.<tableName>.
    • dbTablePrefix (default: ''): table name prefix: <prefix><tableName>.
    • dbColumnPrefix (default: ''): column name prefix: <prefix><columnName>.
    • updateComments (default: false): by default, migrate won't overwrite comments on table and columns. This forces comment overwritting.
    • lowercaseNames (default: true): default table and column names will be lowercase.
    • debug (default: false): displays debugging informations and SQL queries.


import { buildSchema } from 'graphql'
import { migrate } from 'graphql-migrate'

const config = {
  client: 'pg',
  connection: {
    host: 'localhost',
    user: 'some-user',
    password: 'secret-password',
    database: 'my-app',

const schema = buildSchema(`
type User {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  messages: [Message]
  contacts: [User]

type Message {
  id: ID!
  user: User

migrate(config, schema, {
  // Additional options here
}).then(() => {
  console.log('Your database is up-to-date!')

CLI Usage

Available soon!


Schema annotations are parsed using graphql-annotations.

Simple type with comments

A user.
type User {
  id: ID!

  Display name.
  name: String!

Skip table or field

type MutationResult {
  success: Boolean!

type OtherType {
  id: ID!
  computedField: String


@db.oldNames: ['user']
type People {
  id: ID!

  @db.oldNames: ['name']
  nickname: String!

Not null field

type User {
  Not null
  name: String!

  nickname: String

Default field value

type User {
  @db.default: true
  someOption: Boolean

Default primary index

By default, id fields of type ID will be the primary key on the table:

type User {
  This will get a primary index
  id: ID!
  email: String!

In this example, no primary key will be generated automatically:

type User {
  This will NOT get a primary index
  foo: ID!

  Neither will this
  id: String!

You can disable the automatic primary key:

type User {
  @db.primary: false
  id: ID!

  email: String!

Primary key

In this example, the primary key will be on email instead of id:

type User {
  id: ID!

  email: String!

Simple index

type User {
  id: ID!

  email: String!

Multiple index

type User {
  id: String!

  email: String!

Named index

type User {
  @db.index: 'myIndex'
  email: String!

  @db.index: 'myIndex'
  name: String!

You can also specify an index type on PostgresSQL or MySQL:

type User {
  @db.index: { name: 'myIndex', type: 'hash' }
  email: String!

  You don't need to specify the type again.
  @db.index: 'myIndex'
  name: String!

Unique constraint

type User {
  id: ID!
  email: String!

Custom name

""" 'people'
type User {
  """ 'uuid'
  id: ID!

Custom column type

type User {
  @db.type: 'string'
  @db.length: 36
  id: ID!

See knex schema builder methods for the supported types.

Simple list

type User {
  id: ID!

  @db.type: 'json'
  names: [String]

You can set the mapListToJson option to automatically map scalar and enum lists to JSON:

const schema = buildSchema(`
  type User {
    names: [String]
const adb = await generateAbstractDatabase(schema, {
  mapListToJson: true,

Foreign key

type User {
  id: ID!
  messages: [Message]

type Message {
  id: ID!
  user: User

This will create the following tables:

  user: {
    id: uuid primary
  message: {
    id: uuid primary
    user_foreign: uuid foreign key references ''


type User {
  id: ID!
  @db.manyToMany: 'users'
  messages: [Message]

type Message {
  id: ID!
  @db.manyToMany: 'messages'
  users: [User]

This will create an additional join table:

  message_users_join_user_messages: {
    users_foreign: uuid foreign key references '',
    messages_foreign: uuid foreign key references '',

Many-to-many on same type

type User {
  id: ID!
  contacts: [User]

This will create an additional join table:

  user_contacts_join_user_contacts: {
    id_foreign: uuid foreign key references '',
    id_foreign_other: uuid foreign key references '',

Custom Scalar Mapping

To customize the scalar mapping, you can provide a function on the scalarMap option that gets field information and that returns a TableColumnDescriptor or null. Here is its signature:

type ScalarMap = (
  field: GraphQLField<any, any>,
  scalarType: GraphQLScalarType | null,
  annotations: any,
) => TableColumnTypeDescriptor | null

Here is the TableColumnTypeDescriptor interface:

interface TableColumnTypeDescriptor {
   * Knex column builder function name.
  type: string
   * Builder function arguments.
  args: any[]


migrate(config, schema, {
  scalarMap: (field, scalarType, annotations) => {
    if (scalarType && === 'Timestamp') {
      return {
        type: 'timestamp',
        // useTz, precision
        args: [true, undefined],

    if ( === 'id' || annotations.type === 'uuid') {
      return {
        type: 'uuid',
        args: [],

    return null

Custom logic with Plugins

It's possible to write custom queries to be executed during migrations using Plugins.

Currently a plugin can only declare tap on the Writer system, with the write and tap methods:

import { MigratePlugin } from 'graphql-migrate'

class MyPlugin extends MigratePlugin {
  write ({ tap }) {
    tap('op-type', 'before', (op, transaction) => {
      // or 'after'

The arguments are:

  • operation: string, can be one of the following:
    • table.create
    • table.rename
    • table.comment.set
    • table.drop
    • table.index.create
    • table.index.drop
    • table.primary.set
    • table.unique.create
    • table.unique.drop
    • table.foreign.create
    • table.foreign.drop
    • column.create
    • column.rename
    • column.alter
    • column.drop
  • type: 'before' | 'after'
  • callback: function which get those parameters:
    • operation: the operation object (see Operation.d.ts)
    • transaction: the Knex SQL transaction

Then, instanciate the plugin in the plugins option array of the migrate method.

For example, let's say we have the following schema:

// old schema
const schema = buildSchema(`
type User {
  id: ID!
  fname: String
  lname: String

Now we want to migrate the user table from two columns fname and lname into one:

fullname = fname + ' ' + lname

Here is the example code to achieve this:

import { buildSchema } from 'graphql'
import { migrate, MigratePlugin } from 'graphql-migrate'

const schema = buildSchema(`
type User {
  id: ID!
  @db.oldNames: ['lname']
  fullname: String

class MyPlugin extends MigratePlugin {
  write ({ tap }) {
    tap('column.drop', 'before', async (op, transaction) => {
      // Check the table and column
      if (op.table === 'user' && op.column === 'fname') {
        // Update the users lname with fname + ' ' + lname
        const users = await transaction
          .select('id', 'fname', 'lname')
        for (const user of users) {
          await transaction('user')
            .where({ id: })
              lname: `${user.fname} ${user.lname}`,

migrate(config, schema, {
  plugins: [
    new MyPlugin(),

Let's describe what's going on -- we:

  • Remove the fname field from the schema.
  • Rename lname to fullname in the schema.
  • Annotate the fullname field to indicate it's the new name of lname.
  • We declare a plugin that tap into the column.drop write operation.
  • In this hook, we read the users and update each one of them to merge the two columns into lname before the fname column is dropped.

Database compatibility

πŸ™‚ Contributions are welcome for SQL queries or testing!

Icon Meaning
βœ”οΈ Supported
❓ Not tested
- Not implemented
❌ Not supported

Operation pg mysql mssql oracle sqlite3
Read tables βœ”οΈ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
Read table comments βœ”οΈ ❓ - - ❌
Read columns βœ”οΈ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
Read column types βœ”οΈ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
Read column comments βœ”οΈ - - - ❌
Read column default values βœ”οΈ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
Read foreign keys βœ”οΈ - - - -
Read primary keys βœ”οΈ - - - -
Read index βœ”οΈ - - - -
Read unique constraint βœ”οΈ - - - -
Write tables βœ”οΈ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
Write table comments βœ”οΈ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❌
Write columns βœ”οΈ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
Write column comments βœ”οΈ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❌
Write foreign keys βœ”οΈ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
Write primary keys βœ”οΈ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
Write index βœ”οΈ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
Write unique constraint βœ”οΈ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓


Instantly create or update a SQL database from a GraphQL API schema

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 99.2%Language:JavaScript 0.8%