theckang / aro-ploigos-demo

Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) demo using GitHub Actions and Ploigos Software Factory

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In this repo, you will deploy the Ploigos Software Factory on Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) and trigger a Ploigos software pipeline using GitHub Actions.


  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 cluster
  • Admin access to OpenShift
  • OpenShift CLI


Login to the cluster using oc login and admin credentials.


  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Follow these instructions to deploy the platform for the Ploigos Software Factory. Stop after Step #11. You will deploy your own custom pipeline instance.
  3. Modify the config/pipeline.yaml resource. Replace the sourceUrl with your repo fork.
  4. Deploy the pipeline.
oc project devsecops    # modify this if you installed Ploigos in a different project
oc create -f config/pipeline.yaml
  1. The repo has a GitHub action that will mirror your fork repo to the Gitea instance. You can view the example here. You need to add the Gitea admin's username and password as a secret to your repo.

In GitHub, navigate to your forked repo. Go to 'Settings' -> 'Secrets'. Create two repository secrets GIT_USERNAME and GIT_PASSWORD. Execute these commands to get the username and password of your Gitea instance and enter these values.

echo $(oc get secret gitea-admin-credentials -o jsonpath="{.data.username}") | base64 --decode && echo
echo $(oc get secret gitea-admin-credentials -o jsonpath="{.data.password}") | base64 --decode && echo
  1. In your fork repo, you need to modify the .github/workflows/mirroring.yaml resource.

Get the URL of your Gitea repo

echo $(oc get route gitea --template='http://{{}}/platform/reference-quarkus-mvn_jenkins_workflow-standard.git')

Open .github/workflows/mirroring.yaml with your favorite editor and replace the REMOTE with your Gitea instance.

  1. Commit this change to your repo
git clone <your-fork>
cd <your-fork>
git commit -am "Updated Gitea endpoint"
git push
  1. In GitHub, navigate to your fork. Go to 'Actions'. You should see the action:

GitHub Action

  1. Navigate to your running build job in Jenkins. Login in oc admin credentials. Wait ~10 minutes until the job is complete.
echo $(oc get route jenkins --template='http://{{}}/job/platform/job/reference-quarkus-mvn_jenkins_workflow-standard/')

It should look like this:

Jenkins Job

  1. The Jenkins job built your application. Navigate to the application in your browser.
echo $(oc get route fruit -n platform-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit-main-prod --template='http://{{}}/fruits.html')

You should see:

Fruit List


  1. If you push a commit to the main branch but don't see the Jenkins build trigger, make sure the webhook is configured in Gitea.

Navigate to the Gitea repo in your browser

echo $(oc get route gitea --template='http://{{}}'/platform/reference-quarkus-mvn_jenkins_workflow-standard-github)

Login with admin credentials

echo $(oc get secret gitea-admin-credentials -o jsonpath="{.data.username}") | base64 --decode && echo
echo $(oc get secret gitea-admin-credentials -o jsonpath="{.data.password}") | base64 --decode && echo

Navigate to 'Settings' -> 'Webhooks' and you should see:

Gitea Webhook

If you don't see this webhook, navigate to Jenkins in your browser. Login with oc admin credentials.

echo $(oc get route jenkins --template='http://{{}}')

In Jenkins, navigate to 'Manage Jenkins' -> 'Configure System' -> 'Gitea Servers'. You should see a checkbox for 'Manage hooks'. Select the checkbox if it's not checked and make sure to hit Save.

Manage Hook

Now navigate to the 'Platform Gitea Org'

echo $(oc get route jenkins --template='http://{{}}/job/platform')

On the left, hit 'Scan Gitea Organization Now'. This will configure a webhook in Gitea for you.

  1. If your build fails and you see this error in the logs:
error authenticating creds for "": Requesting bear token: invalid status code from registry 500 (Internal Server Error)
level=error msg="exit status 125"

This is a known error and will require you to re-run the build.



Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) demo using GitHub Actions and Ploigos Software Factory

License:Apache License 2.0