thecjharries / yarn-dependency-issue

Quick repro repo for a yarn issue. GitHub's not liking the asciicast images.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Yarn Dependency Issue

I've been seeing massive installation times during yarn add. yarn seems to try and fetch everything everytime, and then attempts to link a massive number of files.

Pertinent Versions


$ yarn -v
$ node -v
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
Release:        16.04
Codename:       xenial
$ asciinema --version
asciinema 1.4.0


> conemu-cyg-64.exe --version
ConEmu cygwin/msys connector version 1.2.2
> wslbridge.exe --version
wslbridge 0.2.3
> Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' | Select-Object ProductName, CurrentMajorVersionNumber, CurrentMinorVersionNumber, ReleaseId, CurrentBuild, CurrentBuildNumber, BuildLabEx

ProductName               : Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview
CurrentMajorVersionNumber : 10
CurrentMinorVersionNumber : 0
ReleaseId                 : 1709
CurrentBuild              : 17025
CurrentBuildNumber        : 17025
BuildLabEx                : 17025.1000.amd64fre.rs_prerelease.171020-1626


I built a runner script to quickly test this. Well, not quickly, but at least simply. The script does several things (note: I kinda just used some random packages; I'm not trying to say anything about any of them):

  1. Nukes the cache
    • npm cache clean --force
    • yarn add with a fresh --cache-folder
  2. Creates a package with few dependencies
    • moment
    • fs-extra (to show how long adding a new package takes; same package as below)
  3. Creates a package with many dependencies
    • @angular/cli
    • fs-extra (to show how long adding a new package takes; same package as above)

I've been running it through asciinema to quickly upload the full session. Windows doesn't support script.

$ asciinema rec -t "Yarn Dependency Issue" -c ./runner-yarn-issue yarn-issue-demo.json
~ Asciicast recording started.
~ Hit Ctrl-D or type "exit" to finish.

With a Fresh User


Full cast

$ cd npm-small
$ npm install moment
added 1 package in 3.048s
$ npm install fs-extra
added 4 packages in 1.236s
$ cd yarn-small
$ yarn add --cache-folder=../yarn-cache moment
Done in 2.77s.
$ yarn add --cache-folder=../yarn-cache fs-extra
Done in 2.10s.
$ cd npm-large
$ npm install @angular/cli
added 994 packages in 141.28s
$ npm install fs-extra
added 116 packages and updated 1 package in 18.263s
$ cd yarn-large
$ yarn add --cache-folder=../yarn-cache @angular/cli
Done in 218.45s
$ yarn add --cache-folder=../yarn-cache fs-extra
Done in 105.43s.

With Me


Full cast

$ cd npm-small
$ npm install moment
added 1 package in 2.863s
$ npm install fs-extra
added 4 packages in 1.351s
$ cd yarn-small
$ yarn add --cache-folder=../yarn-cache moment
Done in 2.82s.
$ yarn add --cache-folder=../yarn-cache fs-extra
Done in 2.03s.
$ cd npm-large
$ npm install @angular/cli
added 994 packages in 142.135s
$ npm install fs-extra
added 116 packages and updated 1 package in 18.505s
$ cd yarn-large
$ yarn add --cache-folder=../yarn-cache @angular/cli
Done in 207.14s.
$ yarn add --cache-folder=../yarn-cache fs-extra
Done in 105.35s.


I've run this again on a fresh install of Fedora 27.


$ yarn -v
$ node -v
$ cat /etc/fedora-release
Fedora release 27 (Twenty Seven)
$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.4.12(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
$ asciinema --version
asciinema 1.4.0

With Me


Full cast

$ cd npm-small
$ npm install moment
added 1 package in 0.759s
$ npm install fs-extra
added 4 packages in 0.788s
$ cd yarn-small
$ yarn add --cache-folder=../yarn-cache moment
Done in 0.85s.
$ yarn add --cache-folder=../yarn-cache fs-extra
Done in 0.91s.
$ cd npm-large
$ npm install @angular/cli
added 994 packages in 37.08s
$ npm install fs-extra
added 116 packages and updated 1 package in 4.032s
$ cd yarn-large
$ yarn add --cache-folder=../yarn-cache @angular/cli
Done in 24.04s.
$ yarn add --cache-folder=../yarn-cache fs-extra
Done in 2.60s.


Quick repro repo for a yarn issue. GitHub's not liking the asciicast images.


Language:Shell 100.0%