thebuilder / zustand

🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React

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Small, fast and scaleable bearbones state-management solution. Has a comfy api based on hooks, isn't that boilerplatey or opinionated, but still just enough to be explicit and flux-like. Make your paws dirty with a small live demo here.

Why zustand over redux? This lib ...

  1. is simpler and un-opinionated
  2. makes hooks the primary means of consuming state
  3. isn't dependent on actions, types & dispatch
  4. supports mixed reconcilers
  5. has a solution for rapidpy changing state (look for transient updates)

How to use it

First create a store (or multiple, up to you...)

Your store is a hook! Name it anything you like. Everything inside create is your state. There are no rules, you can put anything in it. Actions are not special, you don't need to group them. The set function works like Reacts setState, it merges state.

import create from 'zustand'

const [useStore] = create(set => ({
  count: 1,
  actions: {
    inc: () => set(state => ({ count: state.count + 1 })),
    dec: () => set(state => ({ count: state.count - 1 })),

Then bind components with the resulting hook, that's it!

Use the hook anywhere, you are not tied to providers and sub-trees. Once you have selected state your component will re-render whenever your selection changes in the store.

function Counter() {
  const count = useStore(state => state.count)
  return <h1>{count}</h1>

function Controls() {
  const actions = useStore(state => state.actions)
  return (
      <button onClick={}>up</button>
      <button onClick={actions.dec}>down</button>


Fetching everything

You can, but remember that it will cause the component to update on every state change!

const state = useStore()

Selecting multiple state slices

Just like with Reduxes mapStateToProps, useStore can select state, either atomically or by returning an object. It will run a small shallow-equal test over the results you return and update the component on changes only.

const { foo, bar } = useStore(state => ({ foo:, bar: }))

Atomic selects do the same ...

const foo = useStore(state =>
const bar = useStore(state =>

Fetching from multiple stores

Since you can create as many stores as you like, forwarding results to succeeding selectors is as natural as it gets.

const currentUser = useCredentialsStore(state => state.currentUser)
const person = usePersonStore(state => state.persons[currentUser])

Memoizing selectors, optimizing performance

Say you select a piece of state ...

const foo = useStore(state =>[])

Your selector (state =>[]) will run on every state change, as well as every time the component renders. It isn't that expensive in this case, but let's optimize it for arguments sake.

You can either pass a static reference:

const fooSelector = useCallback(state =>[], [])
const foo = useStore(fooSelector)

Or an optional dependencies array to let zustand know when the selector needs to update:

const foo = useStore(state =>[], [])

From now on your selector is memoized and will only run when either the state changes, or the selector itself.

Async actions

Just call set when you're ready, it doesn't care if your actions are async or not.

const [useStore] = create(set => ({
  json: {},
  fetch: async url => {
    const response = await fetch(url)
    set({ json: await response.json() })

Read from state in actions

set allows fn-updates set(state => result), but you still have access to state outside of it through get.

const [useStore] = create((set, get) => ({
  text: "hello",
  action: () => {
    const text = get().text

Sick of reducers and changing nested state? Use Immer!

Reducing nested structures is tiresome. Have you tried immer?

import produce from "immer"

const [useStore] = create(set => ({
  set: fn => set(produce(fn)),
  nested: { structure: { constains: { a: "value" } } },

const set = useStore(state => state.set)
set(state => void state.nested.structure.contains = null)

Can't live without redux-like reducers and action types?

const types = { increase: "INCREASE", decrease: "DECREASE" }

const reducer = (state, { type, by = 1 }) => {
  switch (type) {
    case types.increase: return { count: state.count + by }
    case types.decrease: return { count: state.count - by }

const [useStore] = create(set => ({
  count: 0,
  dispatch: args => set(state => reducer(state, args)),

const dispatch = useStore(state => state.dispatch)
dispatch({ type: types.increase, by: 2 })

Reading/writing state and reacting to changes outside of components

You can use it with or without React out of the box.

const [, api] = create({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 })

// Getting fresh state
const num = api.getState().n
// Listening to all changes, fires on every dispatch
const unsub1 = api.subscribe(state => console.log("state changed", state))
// Listening to selected changes
const unsub2 = api.subscribe(state => state.a, a => console.log("a changed", a))
// Updating state, will trigger listeners
api.setState({ a: 1 })
// Unsubscribe listeners
// Destroying the store (removing all listeners)

Transient updates (for often occuring state-changes)

The api signature of subscribe([selector,] callback):unsub allows you to easily bind a component to a store without forcing it to re-render on state changes, you will be notified in a callback instead. Best combine it with useEffect. This can make a drastic performance difference when you are allowed to mutate the view directly.

const [useStore, api] = create(set => ({ [0]: [-10, 0], [1]: [10, 5], ... }))

function Component({ id }) {
  // Fetch initial state
  const xy = useRef(api.getState()[id])
  // Connect to the store on mount, disconnect on unmount, catch state-changes in a callback
  useEffect(() => api.subscribe(state => state[id], coords => (xy.current = coords)), [id])


You can functionally compose your store any way you like.

const logger = fn => (set, get) => fn(args => {
  console.log("  applying", args)
  console.log("  new state", get())
}, get)

const [useStore] = create(logger(set => ({
  text: "hello",
  setText: text => set({ text })


🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 87.8%Language:JavaScript 12.2%